This autumn, I decided to order more avocado trees from Brokaw. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. This might be different for you though; it probably depends on your particular microclimate. You could try one of those. Thanks for everything. I have two questions, if I may Thank you! This is such a good topic that it deserves the space of a full post. Take out the two dead and the one just barely hanging on and plant three new trees or find an entirely new place to plant away from the pool? I love old trees like that. I just bought a house in Covina, CA, and Im looking to plant two varieties in the same area (about 10 apart) once our cold spell is over. TREE SIZES. I have a Hass that is a few years old from Durling Nursery. The Hass Avocado. For those who have a large yard, Martin. I just dont understand it. Avocado flowers are cross-pollinated which means that developing independent genetic lines is difficult. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. Theres no rush. I live in Santa Barbara, CA just less than a mile from the ocean. Its super helpful for us newbies . Several of the Type A avocados are quite Hass-like, or descendants from Hass itself. Im very close to cutting mine down. If the tree turns out to be a winner in your yard too, then eventually we can all benefit from the discovery. Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. As far as Reed vs. Sharwil for this type of climate, Id tentatively give the edge to Reed. Thank you for your reply, After doing some research and asking question in my neighborhood the last couple of days, I found out that Im not the only one with this problem. Ill write it within the next couple weeks and title it something like Avocado varieties for year-round fruit.. One has more green on it than the other. The trees were 15 gal and difficult to keep hydrated the first summer(you forget all the roots are contained in the pot size). Avocado oils are high in monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for your heart and skin. I have records of the bloom seasons of all of my trees, and Id be happy to share about specific varieties. (I have to confess this is a real problem of our nation.. No information whatsoever about rootstocks in the nurseries And then people are surprised that their cherry or apricot trees dont fruit). (it is tempting to just buy a larger tree but im in it for the long run). The last tree has very little green although it does look like new green. And youre right about the tree looking weird, but it works. The variety was developed in Australia during the mid-1950s and it became the main commercial avocado grown in . The avocados have smaller seeds inside and therefore produces a significantly larger amount of flesh to eat than other avocado types. Thanks again for everything. It appears similar to Fuerte. If you can, I would go with those combinations. Also, avocado flowers are primarily pollinated by bees, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart. The correct spelling is "Hass." The word "Hass" rhymes with "class," and is often mistaken to rhyme with "Hoss" or "Hozz." Why is it "Hass Avocado?" Because the Hass Avocado is named after Rudolph Hass, a California postman who patented the Hass Avocado in 1935. My question is how do you recommend getting rid of the persea mite? But Im game to attack it with a fun and practical twist: Im imagining that I just moved into a new house with a blank yard . The tree is vigorous and upright, but apparently can be keep to about 2.5 metres in height by intensive pruning. There are so many in the Santa Barbara area. This way, if one performs significantly better than the other, then you could replace the poor performer with a tree on the rootstock that you know does well in your soil. Im also always unsure what Im going to find at these types of stores, which is why I always have a look when Im shopping there. made to the U.S. Mainland and beyond, with the eventual eye toward gaining approval to ship. If I eat some Fuerte fruit blindfolded, its so easy to identify it as Fuerte. I read through your post on protecting avocados from the cold, so well be prepared for the cold nights next winter. The Nabal is really dropping a lot of yellowing leaves daily and making me nervous about over or under watering or something else I might be causing. Holiday doesnt produce great in the heat (or even without heat) compared to Pinkerton. We do not have a lot of wind problems where we are located, either. This is the experience of many others as well. Your email address will not be published. Having grown up in San Diego and having a father who loved Avocados, I was never without. If you only eat half, that's 1.3 grams of net carbs. However, apart from my own garden, I do some gardening in my parish churchs park, also in Nice. I plan on keeping the trees no taller than about 12, so I dont have to get on a ladder. The main negative is that, to me, Pinkertons dont taste quite as good as Fuertes. [About our soil: it is not acid at all, for sure. I never feel like I have a palate that is refined enough to give a sufficiently florid description. I wish I could visit that old Puebla. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. But yes, Lamb, Reed, and Fuerte all have higher salt tolerance than Hass. This cultivar is responsible for almost 60 percent of commercial avocado acreage in Hawaii. I would eliminate the Wertz on the basis of the others tasting better. Otherwise other avocado nuts (like myself) might annoy the generous owners of the mother tree. I dont usually talk about high density because its a term that commercial growers use whereas my website is oriented toward home gardeners. Thanks for all of these wonderful updates. And along with Reed and Hass, Id have a great threesome in a backyard because Fuertes season starts a couple months before Hass. D'Arturo Avocado. They're known to be exceptionally creamy. There are other varieties that taste as good or possibly slightly better than Hass. Plant a couple little vegetables in the spot to see how they do before planting new avocado trees. In terms of comparing it to the taste of other avocados, thats tricky for me. I was also able to confirm that a huge tree in Napa which got me growing my own avocados was indeed a Puebla because of your video. I hope you get a chance to plant a real avocado tree or three this spring. You might have to wait a bit before one is available. The main difference is that GEM is a smaller tree, if that matters to you. Also, strangely, there arent too many Sharwils around considering that its not a new variety and everyone who tastes one says they approve. They have plenty of space, but Im leaning towards the GEM, since its so easy to get a hold of Hass at the markets. We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. I dont have extensive room for so many trees through which is why I want to graft (actually its that my wife will kill me if I try to plant more than 3 avocado trees). But just a few years later, in 1992, fruit flies ruined everything. I sprayed today and will keep it up. See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). Which basically means it may be grafted on just anything. About 8 miles inland in Southern Sonoma County. What comes to mind is that Fuerte has a more distinctive flavor. Hi David, The avocados are large and oblong with a small seed and thin green skin. Thanks. To my delight, they confirmed that they shipped to France. As I mentioned in a different post I have a Fuerte and a Hass here in temecula, Ive been thinking of putting in a third to open the possibility of year round avocados. What do you think? That is, they have thick firm skin with rich and nutty flesh, high in oil content. With GEM as tree 1, you would find that Sir Prizes harvest season is earlier whereas Reed and Lamb are later. If either gets too tall for your picking needs, just give it a haircut! 1. I have been trying to research this for a while now trying to figure out the best combination for me. (This is June 22, 2019.) And dont worry about the distance. Anything you can pass my way will be appreciated. Gwen has sensitivity to dry soil and heat. In fact I find that Pinkerton here is actually better than down South and in fact better than Hass. I have tried a bunch of places with no luck, its even hard finding a Fuerte. The only varieties that I would avoid for the use of shade are Holiday, Wertz, Stewart, Gwen, and Lamb. I would go with the clonal rootstocks if you can, but I would get one tree on Dusa and the other on Duke 7. The grove manager said he prefers Hass at no closer than 12 feet. Its great for grapes and pomegranates, harsh for avocados. Ive seen about every variety I know kept to about that height in one yard or farm or another. We made and wholesaled guacamole on Kauai, Hawaii for 10 years. Let me get things together on my side before I share too much about the Lamorinda tree. If you can send me another email address then please do. This is how I got to this blog, but I never found any mention of high density. I think youre absolutely right not to share more about this tree. Your area is definitely on the cool side, but actually not too much cooler than ideal for avocados in terms of high temperatures. In fact nowadays growing mangos and bananas is becoming more common here whereas just a decade ago an avocado tree put you on the cutting edge of growing. Still, what most people prefer to do is plant multiple trees close together, even in one hole. They have smooth, glossy skins and high water content. 1 year old Hass on Zutano seedling I grew up against the same mountains, but out in Glendora, and Bacons do great there. Ill be visiting a mature high-density planting in a couple weeks and Ill pass along anything new that I observe, but the main long-term challenge for most growers with this style is keeping on top of the pruning. A Florida avocado has the same kind of fats but in much lower quantities. SHIPPING. In my yard, Reeds start to taste good as early as May, and can go through September. Avocado - Hass (A Flowering Variety): Possibly the most popular of all avocados, Hass bears incredibly flavoursome fruits that keep well. To mitigate the clay soil, the planting area is raised, and the adjacent rock wall is free standing to allow drainage. In Europe, I can buy: Even when it was 118 back in July 2018 I lost no Pinkerton fruit, and Ive seen a Pinkerton tree in Redlands that carried a massive crop through that same heat wave. I havent seen it with my own two eyes growing in a location quite as hot as Norco. Looks like my own graft will take. Sorry that I bad-mouthed Zutano in the comment above. Eli mentions that hes swamped with GEM orders, and that he had to save one for me since I contacted him in February because hes completely out of GEM right now. So I tried a Reed for the first time today from the farmers market. Share a photo if you get a chance. CA avocados like Lamb Hass don't do well in FL and vice versa. I think, my garden is in the 10a zone. My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). I wish you luck with the planting this is a perfect time for it. Im torn though We have a small space with good sunlight and drainage in our yard that is probably 12 x 12 for this tree. And a friend showed me an old tree of an unknown variety that hed found growing without irrigation near Shelter Island. We are also planting 14 varieties of guaranteed dwarf coconut trees for seed to grow future dwarf coconut seed farms on all islands. I use foam or bubble insulation to wrap the trunks of my baby trees their first winter. However, the main challenge is that different varieties grow at different rates so you have to prune in order to make sure that one (or more) dont take over and shade out the other(s). Linda Thanks for the feedback on Holiday. There are lots of other very good avocado varieties. Hi Greg, I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! Not always, but usually. In fact the tree might be a hundred years old and is easily 60 feet tall or larger. Riverside to I completely understand and I agree. Carlsbad is an awesome place to grow avocados. Id use less dense shade cloth or raise the shade cloth. Best regards, . Really, grafted avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much too soon. It is pear-like in shape and has dark skin when ripe. Ive enjoyed reading your posts as I consider my Avocado plant. Stay sharp! Or do you have any tips that may make it work? I like the combination of Pinkerton and Lamb; that makes a lot of sense in terms of tree size and complementary seasons. The Nabal trees I know are not so wide spreading like a Fuerte, and neither are they more upright like a Bacon can be. Im glad you found your Reed there! 100% Hawaiian Sharwil Avocados. The only caveat Id make is that Pinkerton and Gwen both seem to like to have a B-type avocado nearby in order to produce their maximum. We live in Carlsbad, CA, which I believe is sunset zone 24. I would stick to A types though. I would like a dwarf variety to keep in a large pot on a deck about 4 miles from the San Diego Coast. We got a Hass today, and were planning to plant it tomorrow in the sunniest spot in our yard, which usually stays pretty warm, even when its chilly. Where do you guys find Reeds in San Diego? My head was spinning, trying to develop the perfect avocado plan for my hillside. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Hi Greg, That sounds like an excellent setup and arrangement of varieties. I didnt protect my Reed with shade cloth when I first planted it, and my paint protection was not enough to prevent the top being seriously burned so I lost about 18-24 inches on the top. Just to imagine your future for a second: Youll be eating SirPrize avocados around now in March, then youll switch over to GEM sometime around late spring, then youll end the summer and head into fall with Reeds; oh, here comes the next crop of SirPrize fruit starting to blacken its skin and tell you that its time to pick. Depending on the cultivar, avocados have green, brown, purplish, or black skin, and may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. The owners are nice and said I welcomed to the tree. Yes, Atkins is a great source of uncommon avocado varieties. My second choice would be Hass and Fuerte. I understand that Wurtz, Holiday, Pinkerton and Gem are my options. At first, I had a Hass in mind, but found out about the GEM and it sounded more like what I was looking for, especially with the columnar growing pattern. This is a tough call. At least I think it is a Reed, they said it was and it definitely looks like one from all the pictures. I also gave some wood to others up here who are much better at grafting in case the tree disappears. Our hydrangeas have always been pink, not a hint of blue, no matter the quantity of theSoil Acidifiermy mother added.I think our PH is around 7, not less. Were trying to get avocados all year round with varieties weve tried and like. The tree is supposedly over 40 and is a seedling with both Fuerte and Hass characteristics yet again the flavor has that tanginess only Fuerte has. Step 6. If it doesnt, then I cant think of a downside to either GEM or Carmen that would give the other a significant edge. Perhaps if youre willing to protect your tree during occasional cold spells in winter, especially during the first couple winters, youll have success. Averages are higher in the winter, when I would be at a shortage if I were to get a Reed. Ive never tasted one but wondering how it compares to Reed and Hass in your opinion. Also I love Fuertes, but only if you have a big yard. This high quality, black-skinned avocado is up to 25% larger than its parent, Mexicola. What are your thoughts on a Sharwil Tree? Im glad youre happy with your Zutano. See my post on Where to buy an avocado tree, and contact Subtropica Nurseries to inquire there. I couldnt send the photos here. It sounds like an ideal type B. The problem is that theres so much to say. If you want to maintain that upright growth, then its best to limit the fruitset or pinch the tips of branches as they grow so that they fork more and are better able to hold a load of fruit. Please keep it up. Small fruit will be used for value added product. Hi Greg, i live in north OC, and new to growing fruits in general. This will help me determine where i will plant it. Lots of great Hass are grown in nearby Morro Bay. One is related to a nursery based in California called Brokaw: The mainland now accepts for resale, sharwil avocados, given the need for a great tasting avocado in winter. Ive read that the original MacArthur tree grew in Monrovia, right along our San Gabriel Mountains. Especially since I have a big interest in Hawaiian varieties it is difficult to know what the season will be in OC. Also my grandfather said growing up in Los Angeles they had Mcarthur avocados, Have you ever heard of them? As an aside, I recently spent a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area. 1) which two varieties would you recommend as being good pairing for quite heavy clay-y soil?! In fact, Hass also produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places. Its been a great summer in OB/Pt Loma. All of this is very complicated, but very inspiring!!!! Watering. Elizabeth. Elevated a 12 foot circle 8 inches with landscape stones and filled with wood chips. Hi Greg, thank you for your posts. There is a lot of great info here. Im about to head to subtropica nursery to buy three trees. 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