We usually stayed in Barkana at my grandfathers house, where my father grew up. 35 are multiple choice and 15 are short answer. . In the summer months there would often be thunder and lightning crashing outside and I would crawl closer to my fathers knee. Among them was Winston Churchill, who wrote a book about it, and we still call one of the peaks Churchills Picket even though he was not very complimentary about our people. Like my mother, Akbar Khan may not have had much of a formal education, but he had another kind of wisdom. "name": "Little Brown & Company" The party had been close to General Zia and done badly in the elections. It can be taken by killing any male member of the attackers family. When my mother arrived, Hidayatullah had to move into the office and sleep on a hard wooden chair. He laughed. He knew that to do this he needed some power of his own, so he joined an organisation called the Swat Association of Private Schools. It was, he says, the first thing Id done that made him smile. After that my father entered every competition in the district. The man was wearing a peaked cap and had a handkerchief over his nose and mouth as if he had flu. This riveting memoir, I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai, will make a difference in your World Literature Class. Our history textbooks were rewritten to describe Pakistan as a fortress of Islam, which made it seem as if we had existed far longer than since 1947, and denounced Hindus and Jews. One of my fathers colleagues at the school was his friend Mohammad Naeem Khan. Visitors can turn up whenever they wish and can stay as long as they want. You are not running brothels; you are educating children! Find more similar flip PDFs like I am Malala. We were only a hundred miles from Pakistans capital Islamabad as the crow flies but it felt as if it was in another country. When she and her friends had discussed their dreams as young girls by the river, most had just said they wanted to marry and have children and cook for their husbands. The first went through my left eye socket and out under my left shoulder. As the day went on and the sun climbed higher in the sky, more and more of the White Mountain would be bathed in golden sun. The school was not far from my home and I used to walk, but since the start of last year I had been going with other girls in a rickshaw and coming home by bus. But my father has always been a romantic rather than a businessman and in the meantime he and Hidayatullah were in such desperate straits that they ran out of credit with the local shopkeeper and could not even buy tea or sugar. Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events). Each khan kept hundreds of armed men both for feuds and to raid and loot other villages. endstream endobj 403 0 obj <>stream Shehnaz had never been to school, so even though she was two years older than me she was put two classes below, and she came to live with us so that I could help her. Its hard for girls in our society to be anything other than teachers or doctors if they can work at all. My father didnt have any money for the hospital or for a midwife so a neighbour helped at my birth. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. My father was very impressed by Faiz Mohammad and thought he talked a lot of sense, particularly about wanting to end the feudal and capitalist systems in our country, where the same big families had controlled things for years while the poor got poorer. I Am Malala is the Story of a Girl Who Stood Up for Education of girls and was Shot by the Taliban. He used to climb up electricity poles to hang banners advertising the school, even though he was so afraid of heights that when he got to the top of the ladder his feet shook. It consumed their lives. My mother gave birth to ten children in this way. The school continued to lose money. His close friend and fellow campaigner Zahid Khan had been shot in the face in August on his way to prayers and I knew everyone was telling my father, Take care, youll be next. Our street could not be reached by car, so coming home I would get off the bus on the road below by the stream and go through a barred iron gate and up a flight of steps. They are what the West calls fundamentalists. Mingora was expanding quickly around 175,000 people now called it home and our once-fresh air was becoming very polluted from all the vehicles and cooking fires. Yet he says he was actually lucky. He was so angry that he made the day-long bus journey to Mingora to see the Swat minister of education. When I almost died it was just after midday. But the Russians ended up stuck in Afghanistan for ten years, through most of the 1980s, and when he became a teenager my father decided he too wanted to be a jihadi. His voice did not boom like his fathers, but his passion shone through and as he went on he gained confidence. I am very proud to be a Pashtun but sometimes I think our code of conduct has a lot to answer for, particularly where the treatment of women is concerned. Sometimes I sat on the roof too, watching the smoke rise from the cooking fires all around and listening to the nightly racket of the crickets. The highest mountain of all is the pyramid-shaped Mount Elum. So our blood boiled over the Soviet invasion for both religious and nationalist reasons. In reality what happened was we suddenly stopped. Many never came back. Then he would find she was at the hospital visiting someone who was ill, or had gone to help a family, so he could not stay cross. We did not realise then that 9/11 would change our world too, and would bring war into our valley. Since Id started speaking at events with my father to campaign for girls education and against those like the Taliban who want to hide us away, journalists often came, even foreigners, though not like this in the road. Q-W};+LM)Y'sN=)Aq|sv}1p'R%^1eP#ME@TK ,>PZ` $a3~1Rrn*A6PInf0#EH.RT/ Wj!pQ6+*|tfO s"(015J\v>G4CX}!.TfVGw5.orqO5$ I:"v`"X/|Fk.&Xvja0",5WIt-aSULC\8U_jdC%d3Y W "$NIL)Tvad Just leave it in my cupboard. We taught this text as an independent study and discussed the bigger ideas in cl. Government officials are not your bosses, he reminded them; they are your servants. My mother said it was hard for the poor children to learn when they were not getting enough food at home so some of the girls would come to our house for breakfast. Our last dictator General Zia used to go there, and in the 1980s, under his regime, the Tablighis became very powerful. I had been caught. The Russian invasion transformed Zia from an international pariah to the great defender of freedom in the Cold War. It is regularly updated with new . GradeSaver, 19 August 2016 Web. Thankfully, there are always people to ho. If he accidentally drew a snake he could erase it and the snake would disappear. The owner had called it that because he had once been to Turkey and seen a Ramada Hotel! She loved him so much that she would slip him extra meat and the cream off the milk while she went without. My brothers loved this, and they would taunt me and my mother by pointing out the wreckage of vehicles on the mountainside. By far the biggest group is the Barelvis, who are named after a nineteenth-century madrasa in Bareilly, which lies in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The journey usually took about five hours as long as the road had not been washed away by rains or landslides, and the Flying Coach left early in the morning. My father also designed a shield with a famous quote from Khattak in Pashto: I girt my sword in the name of Afghan honour. My father wanted us to be inspired by our great hero, but in a manner fit for our times with pens, not swords. It would be better to plead, OK, shoot me, but first listen to me. Hed boast, Ziauddin is a shaheen a falcon because this is a creature that flies high above other birds. My grandfather, Janser Khan, had been listening to Radio Afghanistan just before she was born and heard the name. Free trial is available to new customers only. Our biggest intelligence service belongs to the military and is called the ISI. Two years after I was born my brother Khushal arrived. When I was three or four I was placed in classes for much older children. Little did we know that years later the same maulanas organisation would become the Swat Taliban. The new partners again went from door to door, telling people they had started a new kind of school. It breaks the book into sections and provides space for:SummaryComprehension QuestionsStudent Question/AnswerVocabulary EnrichmentGraphic Organizer or Tech ConnectionThis is a great unit that I use in my own classroom. The president of the students group in Jehanzeb College was Ihsan ul-Haq Haqqani. Its not that passing books on is a bad practice, he says. Only when the lion or tiger has left their footprint were we allowed to go outside. I was also known for participating in everything badminton, drama, cricket, art, even singing, though I wasnt much good. "isbn": "9780316322409", Though she cannot read or write, my father shares everything with her, telling her about his day, the good and the bad. the business of the state. My father says the problem is that Jinnah negotiated a piece of real estate for us but not a state. At the end of the speech there were cheers and applause. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. on the Internet. Anyone could see that Musharraf was double-dealing, taking American money while still helping the jihadis strategic assets, as the ISI calls them. Part One: Before the Taliban Chapter 1A Daughter Is Born 1. My father always says its important to treat friends well. My father says that in our part of the world this idea of jihad was very much encouraged by the CIA. Then we were on the main road built by the last wali, which follows the wide Swat River on the left and hugs the cliffs to the right with their emerald mines. We would often picnic among rock carvings of a smiling fat Buddha sitting cross- legged on a lotus flower. Find the quotes you need to support your essay, or refresh your memory of I Am Malalaby reading these key quotes. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! The Americans say they gave Pakistan billions of dollars to help their campaign against al-Qaeda but we didnt see a single cent. American policy and that the Holy Quran clearly says it is wrong to kill. All three brothers were killed. This product is a literature circle novel unit for the book, "I Am Malala." You may have to realign some pages after downloading. Instead he just called himself Ziauddin Yousafzai, our clan name. I developed these questions to test their understanding of the material and to review the things we had discussed in class. His cousins would stop my father on his way home from school and tease him about being short and dark-skinned. Dotted around were hives of bees. This is the path that he would later show me. His sisters my aunts did not go to school at all, just like millions of girls in my country. For the first time my mother could buy nice clothes and even send out for food as she had dreamed of doing back in the village. My grandfather had studied in India, where he had seen great speakers and leaders including Mohammad Ali Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan), Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, our great Pashtun leader who campaigned for independence. Growing up, we children spent most of our time with our mother. It is our tradition for the bride to receive furniture or perhaps a fridge from her family and some gold from the grooms family. My father longed to be eloquent with a voice that boomed out with no stammer, and he knew my grandfather desperately wanted him to be a doctor, but though he was a very bright student and a gifted poet, he was poor at maths and science and felt he was a disappointment. grandfather had a cousin who also joined his school as a teacher. He was becoming known to the army too, and friends told him that the local commander had called him lethal in public. So one of my fathers nephews would have to go along. He was only there for the last day, when family members held a Quran and a shawl over their heads and held a mirror for them to look into. Hidayatullah was furious. The temples are long gone, but almost anywhere you go in Swat, amid all the primroses and other wild flowers, you find their remains. Like all our dictators, he started by addressing the nation on TV, beginning, Mere aziz hamwatano My dear countrymen then went into a long tirade against Sharif, saying that under him Pakistan had lost our honour, dignity and respect. Then we crammed in, fighting over the window seats even though the panes were so encrusted with dirt it was hard to see out of them. He did not believe in badal revenge and would try to make people see that neither side had anything to gain from continuing the violence, and it would be better for them to get on with their lives. The ISIs Colonel Imam boasted he had trained 90,000 Taliban fighters and even became Pakistans consul general in Herat during the Taliban regime. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. The most important jobs in the army, bureaucracy and government are all taken by Punjabis because they come from the biggest and most powerful province. In our culture speeches are usually written by our fathers, uncles or teachers. Answer keys included. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with Suddenly the school owners were in a position of power. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The year before I was born a group called the Taliban led by a one-eyed mullah had taken over the country and was burning girls schools. PDFWhale does not own any rights to any files provided on this website. The only television was in the hujra of one of the wealthier families, and no one had a computer. Its the same with stealing. The women would gather at the house of the dead mans wife or mother and a terrible wailing would start and echo round the valley, which made my skin crawl. He was a mesmerising speaker. Teachers and parents! And my ankles click when I walk, which makes adults squirm. He ordered Karachi airport to switch off its landing lights and to park fire engines on the runway to block the plane even though it had 200 other passengers on board and not enough fuel to get to another country. Dear Malala: We Stand with You by Rosemary McCarney (Preschool-grade 3) I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers Edition) by Malala Yousafzai (Grades 5 and up) Malala, A Brave Girl From Pakistan/Iqbal, A Brave Boy from Pakistan by Jeanette Winter (Preschool-grade 3) By the time I was born it had five or six teachers and around a hundred pupils paying a hundred rupees a month. She teases him a lot and gives him advice about who she thinks is a genuine friend and who is not, and my father says she is always right. The holy man was called Lewano Pir, Saint of the Mad, because he was said to be able to calm lunatics. I loved hearing the story and the songs my father sang to me, and the way my name floated on the wind when people called it. ``2jZ }y 2Al`Z1LGOpfm0gpy&,y) o4@ Running a school is not a crime, he told them. We live as we have for centuries by a code called Pashtunwali, which obliges us to give hospitality to all guests and in which the most important value is nang or honour. In my grandfathers Friday addresses he would talk about the poor and the landowners and how true Islam is against feudalism. Includes a key as well as page numbers for each answer from the hardback edition of her work! This is a comprehensive test for the young reader's edition of Malala Yousafzai's autobiography, I am Malala. The birds loved that tree. Nevertheless, the book is clearly related to other memoirs about periods of crisis. Jobs. Growing up, Ziauddin encouraged Malala to study literature and rhetoric, and to express herself freely. Iftikhar, stormed the control tower at Karachi so that Musharraf s plane could land. I meet my best friend Moniba and we sit together, talking and joking as if I had never left. Malala's memoir of a remarkable teenage girl who risked her life for the right to go to school is now abridged and adapted for chapter book readers. More books than SparkNotes. Ziauddin, we dont even have a TV, he pointed out. All rights are reserved by the publisher(s), author(s), and other parties involved. Here are the steps you can take to download or read online I Am Malala: 1. The description of the day of the shooting begins the book in the prologue and is also in Chapter 23. I was named after Malalai of Maiwand, the greatest heroine of Afghanistan. But we always come together against outsiders who try to conquer our lands. although she knew her family would never agree to it, so she told everyone she wanted to be a doctor. In our society you have to take revenge for such slights, but my father was much smaller than his cousins. His name was Ghulamullah and he called himself a mufti, which means he is an Islamic scholar and authority on Islamic law, though my father complains that anyone with a turban can call themselves a maulana or mufti. As a boy in Karachi he would study by the glow of street lights because there was no light at home. When I was little I went to the bazaar with my mother and spotted a pile of almonds on a cart. First a brother on one side would attack an uncle on the other. The Swati people fled up the mountain, believing they would be protected by their gods because it was so high. It was a long journey by bus, then an hours walk up the hill to where he lived. One was Sher Zaman, a man who had been in my fathers class and always got better grades than him. On the left were steps up to a flat roof big enough for us children to play cricket on. They thought it was shameful for their children to mix with those from poor families. Eucalyptus blossom blew into the house, coating everything white, and the wind carried the pungent smell of the rice fields. We drove out of the bazaar, past the grinning red mouth signs for dentists, the carts stacked with wooden cages crammed with beady-eyed white chickens with scarlet beaks, and jewellery stores with windows full of gold wedding bangles. But, as I watched my brothers running across the roof, flying their kites and skilfully flicking the strings back and forth to cut each others down, I wondered how free a daughter could ever be. There his luck changed. Take care of your husband and be happy. Occasionally there would be real weddings with big feasts which went on for days and left the family bankrupt or in debt. I read my books like Anna Karenina and the novels of Jane Austen and trusted in my fathers words: Malala is free as a bird. When I heard stories of the atrocities in Afghanistan I felt proud to be in Swat. }, family thought people would gossip about us and say we were not properly following Pashtunwali. I AM MALALA MALALA YOUSAFZAI AND CHRISTINA LAMB Sold to amalia.rickard.13@gmail.com. If you do not fall in the battle of Maiwand then, by God, someone is saving you as a symbol of shame. Malalai was killed under fire, but her words and bravery inspired the men to turn the battle around. He remembered how mystified he had been by the river in his village, wondering where the water came from and went to, until he learned about the water cycle from the rain to the sea. When the school opened they had just three students. So they decided to try and find an impartial man to rule the whole area and resolve their disputes. I arrived at dawn as the last star blinked out. He immediately went and bought the whole lot from the man and put them in a glass dish. Dont worry, I told her. She didn't feel comfortable wearing her school uniform, since the uniform was a sign that she was being educated, and thus, in the Taliban's eyes, dishonoring Allah. When his headmasters wife fell ill, my father donated blood to help save her. Malala. The problem was I did not know how to get it to him. Here there is any convenience you can imagine. Fortunately another old college friend called Hidayatullah stepped in and agreed to put up the money and take Naeems place. You could say I grew up in a school. Questions could be adapted for the young readers edition. Our house was in Gulkada, which means place of flowers, but it used to be called Butkara, or place of the The best that most village boys could hope for was to go to Saudi Arabia or Dubai and work in construction. Suddenly there was a lot of optimism about the future. Take advantage of the bundle price for 20% off! "@type": "Organization", As a guest, he was treated exceptionally well. One such memoir is The Diary of Anne Frank, first published in 1947.In this tremendously moving work, Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl living in the Netherlands in the early . PDF download. My father tells me even before I could talk I would toddle into classes and talk as if I was a teacher. They had to pay them rent in kind, usually a share of their crop. The back where we sat had no windows, just thick plastic sheeting at the sides which flapped and was too yellowed and dusty to see through. Well, look no further. Scattered up and down the hills there were houses made of wattle and daub, like my grandfathers, and these often collapsed when there were floods. Not affiliated with Harvard College. But a smaller group believed that leadership should have stayed within the Prophets family and that Ali, his son-in- law and cousin, should have taken over. No, he replied. I read that Benazir Bhutto insisted on wearing glass bangles at her wedding to set an example but the tradition of adorning the bride still continued. Pekai, help me resolve my confusion on this, he would say. Influential people in remote areas took money from Its perfect to engage students in higher order thinking and discussion activities. Why did Colonel Junaid decide to operate? 2. When we got the topic, I couldnt believe my eyes. He read the great poems of Saadi, Allama Iqbal and Rumi to my father with such passion and fire it was as if he was teaching the whole mosque. On some shelves were all the gold-coloured plastic cups and trophies I had won for coming first in my class. Another of my aunts had married a man in that village and they had a relative visiting called Nasir Pacha, who saw my father at work. Raised in a changing . There are a total of 195 pages in this PDF and it will take the average reader approximately 5.53 hours to read from start to finish. He and his family lived with my grandfather, and whenever he saved up enough of his salary, they built a small concrete hujra at the side of the house for guests. I wondered what I would do. These girls should be in purdah. He told her, Take this building back from him and I will rent it for my madrasa. He wanted to encourage independent thought and hated the way the school he was at rewarded obedience above open- mindedness and creativity. The dates of the feasts are announced by a special panel of clerics who watch for the appearance of the crescent moon. For a while her daughters also had to collect rubbish to survive. Bin Laden and his men fled to the White Mountains of Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan, where he had built a network of tunnels while fighting the Russians. He took the tree, drew a line like a lollipop from his name and at the end of it he wrote, Malala. "genre": "Biography & Autobiography", Best of all, as he went up to collect the cup for first prize, he saw his father clapping and enjoying being patted on the back by those standing around him. "@type": "AggregateRating", My father kept trying to persuade Naeems friends and family to stay so he could be fined too! Now we are a country of 180 million and more than 96 per cent are Muslim. Of course my father detested doing this. I realise now she could have been telling the truth but back then I thought, She is doing this to me and I will do the same to her. My cousins made fun of me for my city ways. Please wait while we process your payment. For as long as I can remember my mother has talked to birds. In Malalai we Pashtuns have our very own Joan of Arc. She could speak confidently in front of hundreds of people and they would hang on her every word. But now I had two other girls in the room. You must also post in the Virtual Book Club where it is noted! He would go crying to my mother and I would go to my father. When the sun hit a certain rock, we used to say our asr or afternoon prayers. There are also 3 text-dependent questions that require more in-depth analysis. With such a history, you can see why the people of Swat did not always think it was a good idea to be part of Pakistan. Islam came to our valley in the eleventh century when Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni invaded from Afghanistan and became our ruler, but in ancient times Swat was a Buddhist kingdom. But it was almost certainly made worse by his father, whose own voice was a soaring instrument that could make words thunder and dance. Then I thought it would get spoilt, so I put it in a plastic bag. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! How can you? Rohul Amin asked, laughing. Why should you be If we advertise we wont be able to watch it. But my father is an optimistic man and never deterred by practicalities. Though Afghans are renowned fighters, Colonel Imam, the officer heading the programme, complained that trying to organise them was like weighing frogs. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. My father often used to recite the poem to me when I was a child but I didnt know then what it meant. Baba, as I called him, had even witnessed the moment of freedom from the British colonialists at midnight on 14 August 1947. The village was a forgotten place. I think of her as my big sister even though I am six months older than her. He says he looked into my eyes after I was born and fell in love. Your servants to mix with those from poor families Sher Zaman, a man had! 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