Manyexperienced Dragon Keepers will recommend providing your beardie with a multivitamin in addition to calcium and Vitamin D3 supplements. Expert Note: Its worth pointing out that even though these symptoms can present with a deficiency in calcium too, its going to be pretty obvious what the cause is.If youre actively trying to give your bearded dragon more calcium, its probably an overdose. Otherwise, your bearded dragon could end up with a bone disease that could be painful for them for the rest of their lives. Ultimate List of Everything You Need to Buy for Your Bearded Dragon And Why Its Important, New Bearded Dragon Owner Checklist on What to Buy, How to Choose the Best Bearded Dragon Tank for Your Space and Budget. Please chat with your veterinarian, doctor, or other qualified practitioners for information and advice on your specific subjects. In a way, it just boils down to preference. Foods like Romaine lettuce, collard greens, turnip greens, chicory, escarole, and cilantro are all options we use often. At night, keep the enclosure at around 70-75 degrees fahrenheit (21-24 celcius). If left untreated, a calcium overdose can be fatal. Here are 5 steps to action if a bearded dragon bites you: Gently pry the jaws apart if it bites and holds on. Thats because its just not possible to recreate an exact replica of a dragons natural habitat, although you can come close. There are eight species of Bearded Dragons, but the most popular one is the Inland or Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps), from the arid to semi-arid southeastern parts of Australia, and we will be discussing the Inland Bearded Dragon in this handout. Rep-Cal Phosphorous-Free Calcium with Vitamin D Ultrafine Powder. Dusting salad and insects with a high-quality calcium and D3 supplement is the most effective. Oonincx, D. G. A. Any information found on this website is for entertainment purposes only. I read online that this may be a symptom of impaction but he poops everyday and it looks healthy. The first signs of MBD are: stunted growth; a rounded skull, especially when viewed from the side; lack of appetite Of course. Calcium is critical for bone growth and maintenance as well as muscle function in bearded dragons and without high levels of this nutrient, they are likely to suffer from illnesses such as metabolic bone disease (MBD).. Bearded dragons do not need calcium every day. Donoghue, S. ARAV (2015) Companion Reptile Care Series. The 7th day use the vitamin and NO Calcium, Thx. In severe cases, a bearded dragon may suffer from paralysis, twitches, and seizures. In this case, you would want to supplement about three times a week to ensure your dragon is getting enough of both supplements. It could be anything even a neurological problem. [sentience and science], 5 Ways to Tame a Bearded Dragon [& how to stop biting], Is my Bearded Dragon Fat or Skinny? Additionally, you can limit UVB exposure when necessary. Pro Tip: If you are looking for a calcium-rich feeder insect, try Dubia roaches. Unfortunately, MBD is one of the most common diseases among domestic bearded dragons, but its so easily preventable with proper diet and care. Refer to this post on how much light they need. My parents have a cockatiel who is 36 years old this year. A beardie that doesnt get enough of this will suffer (which no one wants). Metabolic bone disease (also known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism or fibrous osteodystrophy) refers to a group of painful skeletal illnesses caused by a calcium deficiency in the body. In the right environment, bearded dragons can move in and out of the UVB light as they need it. You may notice some products on the market that contain both calcium and Vitamin D3. Severe hypercalcemia can lead to bone deformation, kidney damage, and death in bearded dragons. All you get with it is high-quality, trusted calcium and D3. along with pain for your bearded dragon as the . While they can receive some of this from the proper lighting, its usually not enough (99.9% of the time). Thx, Too much calcium can be just as bad as too little. Vitamin A supplements are often given presumptively to reptiles . This occurs when the body tissue surrounding the weak bones gets pulled tight in an attempt to fortify the bones resulting in tissue and muscle damage. Together they are referred to as calcifediol. So the early symptoms of calcium deficiency are diverse, and often easily mistaken for other problems. Vitamin D3 may be offered three times a week. Avoid putting their enclosure in direct sunlight, and remember to check the temperature in the enclosure often. The mixture is extremely fine which makes it easier to digest. So lets start with the basics. These lizards may have swollen eardrums (the visible thin film also known as tympanic membrane), discharge, hearing loss, black-brownish spots, among other symptoms. Mild cases can be treated by proper diet. Foods dusted with too much calcium will probably be refused. You need to get a calcium supplement that doesn't have D3 in it. This can prolong the lifespan of your bearded dragon. Overdosing lowers the use of fat, protein and minerals like zinc, iodine, manganese, iron and phosphorus. Now i dust once a day for 5 times a week. This is another great calcium powder for bearded dragons that we really like. Baby bearded dragons require a smaller, more frequent diet due to their high metabolism. Bearded dragons dont poop too often, to begin with, but as their owner, youre likely aware of how often your beardie defecates on a regular basis. A survey of diseases in captive bearded dragons: a retrospective study of 529 patients. There are many ways to keep your bearded dragon safe from lack of calcium and all of its consequences: Many Dragon Keepers wonder why its necessary to give supplements to their bearded dragon when they could just provide calcium via diet and ensure they have correct UVB lighting. If you own a bearded dragon you probably know that calcium is extremely important for their health. If the urates are not bright white and are of a different color then yes it is possible. While you cant rely on this entirely, this will provide a good baseline and a bit of variety. Calcium is nothing to your dragon without Vitamin D3. Below is a list of the most common diseases in bearded dragons. Do not drop him or pull him away forcefully to prevent tearing your skin open. 6 days RepCal and 1 Day Reptivite or 5 days Repcal and 2 days Reptivite. Applied Nutritional Studies with Zoological Reptiles. The reason is not clear but there is potential for it to be for a dietary reason including access to minerals. In comparison, broccoli contains only about 47 mg of calcium, while spinach bears 99 mg of the mineral per 100 grams. Bearded Dragons that don't get enough calcium can suffer from serious health conditions such as metabolic bone disease. Avoid supplements containing Vitamin A; opt for beta carotene instead. Be diligent in changing out your UVB lamps as per the manufacturers instructions. This is obviously a step in the right direction since its another effective and natural way for them to get calcium into their system. If you wish, you could also add in a secondary calcium supplement to your dragons feeding schedule, but it isnt necessarily something you have to do. Calcium is essential for growth in bearded dragons. Proper temperatures in the tank are extremely important. Check the ingredients of the food before supplementing. (Baines, 2017). Calcium supplement meant for humans can also be used. You may need to rearrange parts of their diet so that they arent receiving too much D3. This will, in turn, cause the bearded dragon to be less responsive to stimuli. Metabolic Bone Disease in Bearded Dragon 5 Late Stage MBD Symptoms in Bearded Dragons. Vitamin D3 is essential for the absorption of calcium into bones, so it stands to reason that the most likely symptoms of vitamin D overdose will involve the bones. There are plenty of bone and structural issues that can occur as well. In general, leafy greens tend to pack quite a punch when it comes to calcium. you know that feeling when you want to change your profile picture, but like you dont want to lose the good one you have? Alongside vitamin D3, calcium is probably the most vital nutrient for a bearded dragons health. Hypercalcemia also causes the muscles to become sore. This just means you need to ease off on the seasoning a bit! Cusack, L., Rivera, S., Lock, B., Benboe, D., Brothers, D., & Divers, S. (2017). Stress is very common when it comes to dragons whether it has to do with first-time relocation or just a small change in the enclosure. Just like humans, calcium performs a wide array of bodily functions in bearded dragons. multiple hours per week), oral D3 supplementation should be reduced or not fed at all. It can result from the calcification of blood vessels in the beardies body. Bearded dragons need calcium for the following reasons: Dragons bodies need calcium so much that if the body becomes deficient, it starts pulling calcium from their bones, causing metabolic bone disease (MBD). However, where sunlight is provided on a regular basis (i.e. Most importantly: It serves as an essential electrolyte of the heart, brain, skeletal muscles and nervous system functioning. Absorbed vitamin D can be stored in the body such as the fat tissue, liver and kidneys. These tend to happen in more serious cases. This is worth noting because calcium (as well as vitamin D3) is one of the most important minerals these animals can receive. One, ask your vet who will be able to assess the relevant factors specific to you so they can make a recommendation. The UVB tube length for your bearded dragon house should not cover the entire length of the house. Vitamin D supports the immune system, development and maintenance of bones, cardiovascular heath, functioning of nerves and muscles, and reproduction. Each of them has vitamin D3 included (something that not all powders have) because its just a more straightforward and sensible way to approach supplementation. If you choose to do this, its best to ensure they are not getting any additional Vitamin A (unless your vet determines your dragon is seriously deficient in Vitamin A). We like to treat these as an occasional snack instead of daily foods. The disease causes serious bone, muscle, and tissue damage, which can result in paralysis or death. If these animals continue to receive too much calcium they can potentially die (although this is less common). These tumors have been classified as gastric neuroendocrine carcinomas (GNT), which readily spread to other organs. Keeping them on a regular feeding schedule can help identify digestion issues. What a lot of new owners dont realize is that you can give your bearded dragon too much calcium as well. Twitches, ticks, spasms, or tremors. Bowel Impaction happens when an animal swallows indigestible matter that blocks the intestines. So its always best to check with a vet first before starting any supplementation. Use a designated feeder bin, one that's long and shallow. As you can see by the image below, it is impossible to know just how much calcium you will end up feeding your bearded dragon. growing, gravid, The amount of calcium that sticks to the food, Ineffective or absent gut loading of insects, Amount of phosphorus o Level of anti-nutrients that can bind calcium (oxalates) or decrease absorption (phytic acid), Keep diets low in phosphorus and calcium binding oxalates and phytates. Like the product above, the Repta Calcium powder also contains D3 to allow your bearded dragon to absorb the calcium properly. Its unfair to subject another living creature to these kinds of symptoms just because you didnt take the time to learn what to do! Picture this: 100 grams of these greens contain up to 187 mg of calcium. One of the most common ways this occurs is with a suboptimal light and habitat combination. Exo Terra Reptile Calcium with vitamin D3. Supplementing Vitamin D3 helps ensure your dragon can absorbthe calcium they need. Here are some of the signs of Hypercalcemia: Excess calcium in the blood causes muscles weakness, so your bearded dragon may look fatigued all the time. They need both in order to function! Hypercalcemia can cause stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and constipation. One case where you may want to select a liquid supplement over a powder would be if your dragon steadily refuses to eat or finish her food. Depending on the age of a beardie, they may require more or less for growth purposes. Their bones can become brittle as well. See the frequency for dusting (feeding calcium) further down this post. Make sure that what you feed them doesnt contain more calcium than they need. You may find that your dragon isnt moving around as much as it used to and/or climbing around a lot less. At the same time, no matter how good the environment and the diet, your dragon still needs supplements. Remember there are two ways to get vitamin D3, UVB light and orally through food and supplementation. After all, the bearded dragon diet should be omnivorous and should . You dont pay more but it gives me a commission when you buy it through my affiliate link. A healthy diet should consist of only five phosphorus meals and five calcium meals. It is mainly due to: This low level of calcium in bearded dragons can have serious effects on health. Copyright 2023 Reptile Maniac. . If the urates are not bright white and are of a different color then yes it is possible. The gradient should go from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit on the cool side, up to a basking temperature of around 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, a lack of calcium in a bearded dragons diet can cause severe health complications. Is it possible to give your bearded dragon too much calcium? As a matter of interest, unlike most other feeders, soldier fly larvae have a higher calcium to phosphorus ratio (Divers 2018). If the disease is detected early, your vet can help you manage it. Written by Reptilestime in Bearded Dragon, Lizards. Calcium assists in bone development, muscle health, and reproductive health. Disastrous Things Happens when Bearded Dragons Dont Get Enough Calcium, Be aware that you can overdose on vitamin D, Effect of UV exposure in calcium absorption, Get These Things Right for a Healthy Bearded Dragon, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (NSHP) or metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons, 6 ways to get your bearded dragon to eat vegetables, Bearded Dragon Diet and Nutrition [Over 125 Safe Food List], Bearded Dragon Breeding: Mating, Eggs and Hatching, Bearded Dragon Indoors and Outdoor Housing, Do Bearded Dragons Feel? Sometimes bearded dragon owners unintentionally give their pets too much calcium. Ingesting Toxic Plants or Bugs. Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body) is rare in bearded dragons, but it can happen, and it can result in illness and death. Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is caused by a lack of Calcium, Vitamin D3, and/or Phosphorus and is the weakening of the bones of your bearded dragon. How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Heat? There will also be a lack of mobility since the muscles and soft tissue will begin to stiffen. While theyre only insects the process of gut loading is not good for their health. Take a look at your enclosure, lighting, and diet to see if theres anything that can be improved. The rest of the body has to absorb calcium from the bones and muscles, leading to muscle and bone problems in early development and even later in life. If youre certain theres something that needs to be addressed, improve it slowly. Hypercalcemia can lead to weakness, lethargy, vomiting, constipation, and loss of appetite. B. Vitamins And Your Beardies. Provide exposure to unfiltered sunlight at least a few hours a week, except when brumating of course. This will allow your bearded dragon to digest it more efficiently, and reduce the risk of any GI issues that lumpy powders can cause. Also daily baths 20 minutes at a time will help if the urates are hard. Outside of a laboratory, its going to be impossible to be sure on how much of the calcium dusted onto insects will actually end up consumed. Theres a long list of nasty health issues that your bearded dragon can develop if it doesnt get the necessary amount of calcium. Mesh screens reduce the amount of UVB that transmits through it. Since bearded dragons should be getting 12 hours of UVB exposure a day, they dont necessarily need this supplement on a daily basis. Kindly take your bearded dragon to an experienced vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. It may also be drooping down, and their beards may be black due to stress and discomfort. While many owners dont have a problem with this, we tend to avoid it because it feels a little cruel. Being able to identify unusual behavior is essential for noticing hypercalcemia. Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles, and as such, their diet consists of a wide variety of items. A regular vet isnt going to be as knowledgeable. If youre unsure about the amounts you should be feeding them, consult with your vet, and they will help with a meal plan. Consult with a vet specializing in reptiles and ensure they know what theyre doing. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine,23(4), 369-379. You can also use a live feeder that is higher in calcium, like black soldier fly larvae, and cut out the calcium supplementing entirely. Frances Baines (MRCVS). There are a couple of ways to go about this: You probably would have preferred I gave you an outright amount. Som. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) occurs in plant sources vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from plant and animal sources. An 1/8 of a teaspoon or a pinch might be useful, but here is the thing, calcium supplements can only be effective in the right conditions. Risk of Hypercalcemia. Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. This is most effectively done through powder, so thats what well speak to in this section. Bearded dragons are a very popular pet and many people bathe. The symptoms are very similar to hypercalcemia, but the physical alterations are often more noticeable and permanent. (also known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism or fibrous osteodystrophy) refers to several painful skeletal disorders that are caused by a lack of calcium in the body. The accumulation of calcium salts in arteries and veins can limit blood flow to critical organs such as the brain. Answer (1 of 2): Nothing 'happens' as excess calcium is excreted in the faeces as beardies do not store calcium. Vitamin D3 is very important since it aids in the absorption of calcium. Calcium is nothing to your dragon without Vitamin D3. The average bearded dragon's lifespan is 8-10 years, but the oldest ever recorded was 18 years old. How to Keep Your Iguana Healthy, Happy and Safe! Almost 19% of the bearded dragons had musculoskeletal disorders with the most prevalent being osteodystrophy and limb fractures. Its also very affordable, so you can easily fit it into your existing care strategy without it disrupting your budget too much. The nutritional demands of adults is 1.5:1 and in egg laying periods it reaches up to the level of 10:1. Metabolic bone disease is a medical condition that is common in a lot of pet reptiles due to a combination of their phosphorus-rich and low-calcium diet and lack of exposure to sunlight. Speak to in this section improve it slowly orally through bearded dragon calcium overdose symptoms and supplementation be for dietary. 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