As a traversal party, he naturally had golden fingers, but his golden fingers turned out to be the dragon annihilator system from the demon tail! Freezing Cracker himself wouldn't be very effective as Cracker’s haki and physical abilities are also far greater than Kuzan’s. Another popular attack Luffy has is the Gum Gum Gatling. Regarding his normal physical defense, we don't get to see much of it because of how he usually defends himself with his devil fruit ability, but we'll talk about that later. So defensively, on top of his monstrous endurance, his haki is pretty darn good but not the best and offensively, it basically just makes all of his attacks a bit more powerful, but that's what armament haki does for pretty much everyone else. It is really only limited to the user's imagination. His devil fruit, or should I say devil fruits as I'm sure you all know, Blackbeard is in possession of the Yami Yami otherwise known as the dark dark fruit. For his haki, I won't repeat myself too much, but I personally believe Jack has the ability to use haki and we just haven't seen him do it yet, so I don't really want to count his haki as a downfall quite yet. The first is Kogatana which is basically Mihawk’s butter knife that he wears around his neck and uses it to eat, but if he also deems his opponent unworthy he will use this weapon against them and you may think well what the hell could he do to me with a butterknife? But he has only 4 to 6 people with him. He is also considered the greatest swordsman in the world, a title that is by far something that's not easy to obtain. Additionally, unlike the other characters, his conqueror's haki was first awakened when he was only ten years old. Meanwhile, Zoro, Zebra and Vegeta meet accidentally in a remote part of the race, and start fighting. It essentially shortens his life little by little the more he uses it. Moving on to his ability to use haki, we actually have no idea if Jack is capable of using haki. Although this technique gives Luffy some amazing abilities, this form does have two downfalls. Finally, Doflamingo also has a weird connection with the World Government to say the least. Because of that, he is very accurate and precise with where he fires his lasers and it is very hard for him to miss his target considering how fast his lasers travel. So let's just say that Kizaru is very hard to catch, Amaterasu, which is where Kizaru points his finger into the air or at a specific enemy and then emits a massive flash of light that is so bright it will blind his opponent and anyone in the near vicinity, meaning Kizaru has some useful ways of also stunning his enemies temporarily, Ama no Murakumo, which is where Kizaru creates a sword out of light and then uses it as a weapon, pretty much. As stated previously, what he lacks in defense, he makes up in stamina. My last example would be how Doflamingo found a way to reclaim Dressrosa by offering the people their lives along with prize money for taking down the ones who overthrew him in the first place, which moved most people back to his side of the playing field for a little while at least. Now, I don't think he is at the level of a genius by any means, but he's pretty darn close. 2-Monkey D. Garp, 78 years old ... 9-Monkey D. Dragon, 55 years old. It should also be noted that unlike Doflamingo’s normal strings, these Black Knight clones can be damaged such as one Kyros cut off a clones head. Cracker can also create weapons for these figures and if he so chooses, extra limbs and weapons. That being said, just because Luffy won those fights, does not mean he is the stronger character by any means. Now that Blackbeard is the owner of this devil fruit he can use all the abilities Whitebeard had, so we will go over those now but before that I just want to add that at first Blackbeard had not yet mastered the devil fruit when he first got it. Also, something that I want to bring up is that so far Mihawk is the only character on this list that has yet to receive even one little scratch, meaning that he is one of the best of the best if nobody can even land a hit on him. Many will probably disagree with this when they see who some of these characters are because *spoiler alert* some of the characters that are on this list have battled and been defeated by Luffy. So personally, I would put Mihawk’s haki above Luffy until proven otherwise and although Mihawk doesn't have a, In regards to Cracker, I feel like they are both equal in strength. We can also assume his endurance and stamina is unmatched because he was able to battle Sakazuki alone for ten whole days on an island before finally being defeated. Although rubber itself can't exactly freeze, when rubber gets exposed to very cold temperatures it becomes hard and brittle, making it very hard to stretch. Not only did he show us time and time again throughout the Marineford war that he was strong enough to take out enemy after enemy, but another testament of his strength would be the fact that he was able to stop White Beard's bisento with just one leg, which also keep in mind that White Beard was considered the strongest man in the world at that point in time. Blackbeard is a newbie top-tier and I am pretty sure he will be defeated by any admiral or yonko although after a tough fight. These homies can fight if needed but they do have two weaknesses. However he has hinted to it before suggesting that he does have some sort of haki abilities and being that he is a Yonko it would be a little bit ridiculous if he didn't have haki so we'll just assume he does. This technique is used when Cracker himself is inside a biscuit soldier. So honestly, Sakazuki doesn't need any other allies to be one of the strongest in the series. Because Big Mom has done nothing but marry allies into her crew we can safely assume she has some of the most powerful allies ready to help her and Cracker at any given time. This regeneration ability is essentially his ultimate defense like I was talking about earlier because any hit Marco can take he can also heal instantly, meaning that he must have a high pain tolerance and endurance to be able to take so many hits even if they only hurt him for a moment. He is also smart and skilled enough to teach haki, showing that he is also very proficient with it himself. Along with the speed his devil fruit gives him, it makes it so pretty much everyone on this list is hopeless intaking him down. However, Mihawk did teach Zorro how to use and infuse armament haki into his swords over the time-skip, which shows us that not only does Mihawk know how to use it, but he is also so proficient with it that he is able to teach it to someone else. In regards to Cracker, I feel like they are both equal in strength. Also Kaido was on his way to kill Whitebeard before they made it to marine Ford but we learned that Shanks managed to intercept Kaido and stop him from coming so either A. the Red Hair Pirates defeated Kaido easily because they showed no signs of being injured from any previous battle when they arrived, or B. Shanks managed to persuade Kaido not to attack. So with his great endurance and pain tolerance, this fruit is perfect for Marco and is without a doubt the very best devil fruit on this list so far, giving him a major advantage over other characters. This fruits main use is for combat purposes but it can also be used for other things. Not only is he somewhat allied with Marines from his time serving with them, but he also has some sort of relationship with some of Luffy's enemies, the Underworld and the Yonko, Black Beard. From that fall all he got was a little headache. Dragon’s eventual full-fledged debut in One Piece is highly anticipated, though, and many fans of the franchise cannot wait to see this ridiculously … This is Luffy’s main method of travel as it lets him cover great distances quickly by grabbing onto an object, stretching his arms back, and flinging himself away making him a human slingshot. Marco does know how to think fast and react quickly during a fight along with how to properly execute his attacks at a moment's notice and he's also very perceptive so I would like to think that because he has such a quick mind he would be smarter than your average person. This adds up to a grand total of 5640 people ready to help Luffy anytime he is in need. We know that Kaido has had quite the history with people attempting to kill him and even Kaido attempting to kill himself all of which have failed, so either this has something to do with his, I believe Kaido is the weakest in terms of intelligence. Another technique of Luffy’s is the Gum Gum rocket. All Sakazuki would need to do is insult a member of Doflamingo’s family and Sakazuki would already have Doflamingo’s wrath. Luffy is also allied with Silvers Rayleigh, who was the first mate of the former Pirate King himself. This condition excludes Monkey D. Dragon, the Gorosei, Basil Hawkins, Urouge, and X Drake. This, in turn, allows the user to mindlessly predict an opponent's movements moments before they make them, allowing Luffy to easily dodge attacks before they strike and even dodge bullets at point-blank range. Moving on to devil fruits, it's impossible not to pick Blackbeard purely because he has access to two devil fruits unlike every other character but in addition to that they are two of the strongest devil fruits in the series making Blackbeard an unstoppable force just in that instance. One instance of this would be her alliance with the son pirates or fish man pirates by marrying her daughter praline to Aladeento form that family connection and to protect. But for now his devil fruits make him superior to the rest. This implies that Cracker is so powerful that even his comrades fear of what he can possibly do. Now this one comes pretty close as I'll explain but even so Mihawk still comes out on top in my opinion so in regards to strength Marco is definitely very powerful even without the boost from his, Now finally, when compared to Jack the Drought, I think this one is also very close. On these facts, We say that Monkey D Dragon is the highest Haki User, the supreme master of Haki. This means many of these techniques will only work at close range. In my opinion, I think this is probably currently Luffy's most powerful attack. So the fact that, Next up is his intelligence and let me just say that. Which because of the Underworld, it leads me to his next connection which is his connection to the Yonko, Kaido. So what do I think of his abilities and how does he compare with the other characters on this list? One instance of this would be her alliance with the son pirates or fish man pirates by marrying her daughter praline to Aladeento form that family connection and to protect Fishman Island. It is highly possible that Cracker’s allies might even be more powerful than Luffy's. I feel like Mihawk would definitely have a solid chance, since he has such great eyesight, mental and physical skills. His biggest and most notable ally was definitely White Beard before his death. To put into perspective how strong these quake abilities are, one of them was powerful enough to split Marineford in half. Yet after all these laser attacks, he was still able to get back up. Definitely a plus, however two things I want to bring up is that Mihawk is strong enough with his sword to the point where he would never need a devil fruit and if he were to eat one it would just potentially make him weaker and the other thing I want to bring up is that some people out there do believe that Mihawk has already ate a devil fruit. he is the most wanted man in the whole one piece world. Considering that these organizations are stated to be a balance and the fact that the loss of Crocodilethreatened the balance, it is likely they are approximately equivalent in strength. Anyway, Doflamingo was able to use both armament haki and conqueror's haki, which since we talked about what these are earlier, I'm just going to assume you guys remember what they do for the rest of the article. Finally, Sakazuki has what I would say is the best durability we've seen so far in the series. Their haki would be about equal. So in terms of intelligence, I would like to say he is just your average man but since we also don't know much about his intelligence I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's smarter than your average person. So it's honestly hard for me to gauge just how smart she really is at this point in time especially with such a dangerous eating disorder, so for now we'll just say she's moderately intelligent. These shock waves can pass through and damage almost any substance completely tearing it apart, and if these shock waves are directed into the ground the attack will result in a devastating earthquake capable of generating huge tsunamis or worse. Yes. We don't know much about his connections other than the connection he has with his own crew. Gehrke Shin which is basically a close-range version of the previous attack that sends these vibrations into one point-blank attack that transfers the destructive vibrations to whoever or whatever the user strikes leading to massive damage. A lot of people have some pretty interesting theories about it but we really can't know for sure if he actually has eaten one or not so, again I guess we'll just have to wait and find out. It’s understandable that a lot of his opponents are very powerful and sometimes unpredictable, but Luffy really needs to step up his game and avoid some more hits. In regards to Kuzan, ice would probably be pretty effective against the biscuit soldiers to slow them down but we do not know for sure. Additionally, while he is in this form, he also increases his defense and endurance, just due to his sheer size. Before I begin I want to say that this is a very very tough choice for me to make because each of them have some sort of superior quality. Marco generally just chooses to transform his arms into wings so he can still use his powerful kicks on his enemy and Marco also occasionally likes to transform his arms and legs, but keep his torso and head in his human form. Although the wires cannot be stopped without defeating Doflamingo, the cage can be slowed down with enough physical forces pushing it back Like we stated earlier, most of these techniques can also be applied with haki to make them both stronger and able to hit logia devil fruit users who were previously intangible making this devil fruit something to really fear. Cracker himself is her tenth son. Lastly let’s look at his intelligence. This organization’s objective is to dethrone the Celestial dragons! These abilities come from the blue flames the phoenix emits. This is one of the only techniques in gear 4th that stretches instead of compresses, but unlike his regular Gum Gum pistol punch this punch will continue to redirect itself until it finally makes contact with his target, no matter how many times it takes; there is no escape. Now it’s time to discuss the second gear fourth form: tank man. But we don't know for sure. When it comes to his haki, we know that Marco is able to use armament haki and he is able to use it pretty proficiently. So although not much is known about how smart he actually is, I think it's safe to say we shouldn't underestimate his intelligence but I also don't think he's a genius either. Jack is a very quick tempered character who will use any method possible to do whatever it is he sets out to do; one example of this is when his crew suggested they not attempt to rescue, Moving on to his ability to use haki, we actually have no idea if Jack is capable of using haki. Physically, Sakuzuki is the definition of a super human or maybe a better term would be a monster. Whether or not he would actually be killed is another story. Kaido purchases these through Doflamingo via the Underworld and although Doflamingo fears Kaido and was afraid Kaido would kill him if he could not produce the SMILES, Kaido still sent one of his strongest men, a member of the three Disasters, Jack the Drought to try and rescue Doflamingo from the Marines. Mihawk is called the greatest swordsman in the world of One Piece and there is a good reason for it. Due to all of this, I believe that Jack the Drought is the fifth strongest character in One Piece. The best example of this is Luffy's fight against Doflamingo. Kizaru can also control their trajectory, being able to focus them on one single person or a whole area. Instead of making a fool of myself I decided it's best to just keep him off the list entirely, that being said, there will be a few exceptions to this rule on the list. The best example of this is Luffy's fight against, Just like Luffy, the first thing we're going to be going over is his physical abilities. Although many will argue whether or not Luffy deserves to be placed in this list, he is definitely one of the strongest characters in the One Piece World. Since they were both able to continue fighting for that 11 hours it's safe to say that both of their stamina is pretty great. Luffy also has the capability of mixing gear second with gear third to create the Gum Gum giant jet shell, an ability in which he inflates his body with gear third while keeping up his gear second to ram his whole body into his opponent with both immense strength and speed in the shape of a cannonball! So overall this fruit is definitely one that should be feared and I'm willing to call it one of the best on this list. At one point, he was not able to move for three whole days after using it twice in his fight against Doflamingo. It should also be noted that unlike sea prism stone which just prevents you from using the devil fruit abilities, this route completely takes the abilities away as if the user never had them to begin with, such as when Luffy no longer had the ability to stretch as soon as Blackbeard touched him as if he was never a rubberman to begin with. Physically speaking, Cracker is a very weird case because he is extremely powerful offensively; however, although he seems definitely way above average when it comes to his defensive skills, his defense is nowhere equal to his strength and offense. So what I'm looking at is would Doflamingo be able to beat Luffy's and Kuzan's raw physical power? His intelligence is really something that is surprising to many because he is very smart when it comes to the art of deception, which is something that isn't easy to do if you aren't very intelligent. It is unknown if his amazing eyesight has anything to do with his hawk eyes themselves or if he possesses observation haki. In regards to Luffy's normal physical strength he is definitely stronger than most thanks to Monkey D. Garp’s training when Luffy was a kid. Garp is a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man. Whitebread ordered Marco to protect on the battlefield no matter what happens. In addition to that since Big Mom marries her children to form a family connection with other crews and organizations, she ends up making a lot of new and powerful connections along the way. It should also be noted that this light is then solidified, meaning that it is no longer intangible and cannot be broken or passed through by haki at least with what we know currently and Yasakani no Magatama, which is where Kizaru crosses his arms and fires a ton of laser particles all at once. Luffy will need to become the strongest character so I feel like Shanks also has that plot armor we all know and love. As for Doflamingo, the main deciding factor would be the fact that Big Mom was extremely confident that Cracker could defeat Luffy knowing full well that he took down Doflamingo. It’s still not too bad because Cracker was easily able to withstand some of Luffy's other powerful attacks without even being injured. So in terms of intelligence, he may not be the smartest character in the series but he is one of the top three, at least in terms of intelligence on this list. Athlete, which is where Doflamingo attaches strings to his foot and then sends a powerful kick to his opponent. I feel it is also important to note that after Kuzan’s fight with Sakazuki, he has a lot of scars and possible tissue damage. Jack is without a doubt the physically strongest character on this list so far. That being said, Luffy usually tends to think of the worst possible way to go about it. So although Kuzan was our previous winners for stamina, Sakazuki has stolen the title. Blackbeard also recruited the first members of his crew showing that he also has great leadership of some sort. Luffy would not be able to use his Red Hawk technique without armament haki. If he isn't I would be very surprised. This fruit allows the user to freeze anyone or anything that comes into contact with them whether or not Kuzan makes contact with the object in question or the object makes contact with him. We, of course, won't be covering everything: just the things I think are most important in determining how powerful these characters really are. Jack's biggest and most notable ally is of course the Yonko Kaido, who is regarded as the strongest creature in the world. Additionally, with the added defense of being able to turn into light and let attacks bypass through him or even turn into light and quickly move out of the way to dodge attacks. Dragon is sabo’s mentor and he learned haki, martial arts from Dragon. All Jack is out to do is get his way, and then destroy everything else. He has a Yonko, powerful crew, people in the Marines most likely and the power of the Celestial Dragons at his fingertips so although he may not have as many allies as say Luffy he does have some of the most powerful at his disposal, making him someone you don't want to make an enemy of. They will appear whenever she summons them and with them she can manipulate the weather to create destructive storms as a manifestation of her rage which is noted to be unstoppable and that is currently everything we know about her devil fruit which is a very scary ability if you ask me I'm sure there will end up being a lot more this fruit can do but for now this is what we're left with. Without haki, gear fourth likely wouldn't even exist. Most likely, Monkey D Dragon has supreme armanent haki and it has control over elements! In addition to this, by the end of the story Luffy is going to end up being the strongest character, or at least one of the top five, no matter how you look at it. On top of that, he is able to let attacks pass through him like a logia, whereas Kuzan’s ability is not tangible and still needs to be struck and for his paramecia like abilities because he can use his flames to heal any part of his body at any given time. Also like we stated earlier, Doflamingo can also use these strings to stitch up his internal organs when they are badly injured. Additionally, he was also able to take a point-blank gear second attack from Luffy without getting hurt too badly and even a hit from Sengoku in his Buddha form while only receiving minor injuries. We can also assume Blackbeard was very strong even before he ate his devil fruit because he was once considered strong enough to be offered a commander position in Whitebeard’s crew, and since we've seen how strong the other commanders are, the fact that Blackbeard was on their level without a devil fruit is definitely impressive. The full version of this form was achieved after Luffy ate a tremendous amount of biscuits, to the point where he was extremely round and bloated. Cracker is definitely more intelligent than Luffy and his armament haki is far superior to his; however, Luffy does have access to the other two types of haki giving him a variety and a little bit of an edge. Now why did I place Jack as number 5 on this list and not higher? When it comes to his offensive use of haki, Cracker can not only apply this to his normal attacks, but he can also apply it to his gigantic sword. The only instance of haki we've seen, Some of his techniques include; Yata no Kagami, which is where, So what do I think of his abilities and how does he compare to the other characters on this list. In theory, Luffy will, without a doubt, have some sort of alliance with the Revolutionary Army, which so happens to be one of, if not the most, powerful and mysterious groups in the world. The armor created is incredibly strong and when Luffy uses armament haki he not only greatly strengthens his normal attacks but he also strengthens the techniques created from his devil fruit. Do I think Doflamingo is the strongest out of everyone else physically? In terms of overall physical ability, Mihawk has amazing eyesight to help him see through Jack's attacks and Mihawk also has great speed whereas Jack is very slow, which I would say gives him the edge physically, but not by much. Sakazuki can erupt. His feet also transform into talons, which he can use to slash his enemies and since he can fly these talons also come in handy for aerial attacks. On top of that, I'm also willing to bet he can use observation haki but we don't know for sure, but let's just put this into perspective, Mihawk is already one of the strongest characters we've talked about so far and that is without him ever using haki. This technique currently has two different forms which are bound man and tank man but we'll talk about bound man first. This concludes all of Luffy’s, Luffy also has connections or friendships with many other pirates and their crews. Finally, I must say his lack of connections is really his only big flaw. Additionally, Mihawk has a number of different techniques that he can use with his sword which are; Kokuto Issen, which is where Mihawk swings his sword to create a gigantic invisible flying slash attack that can cut through anything and everything in its path. His Conquerors haki is also extremely powerful as it was able to easily knock out tons of, Now finally on to his connections. So with everything we've learned about this for I can safely say it is extremely powerful. The only instance of haki we've seen Kizaru used so far is when he used armament haki in conjunction with the other three Admirals to create a shield. Now when it comes to his devil fruit ability, I would say that so far on this list Marco has the best one by a longshot. Personally, I think that's a load of crap, so I guess we'll have to see, but for now we are going with the assumption that he has not eaten one. However, Kizaru’s fruit also has many destructive properties similar to Sakazuki's in terms of its explosive power with his lasers. These shock waves can pass through and damage almost any substance completely tearing it apart, and if these shock waves are directed into the ground the attack will result in a devastating earthquake capable of generating huge tsunamis or worse. Since gear second lacks strength and gear third lacks speed, when Luffy mixes the two to create gear fourth he is almost unstoppable because he becomes incredibly fast and strong. With this devil fruit, we've only seen Cracker use two different techniques so far one of which is biscuit soldier. Two years later, Luffy is obviously much, much stronger but I'm also guessing Kuzan is as well. Another thing that should be mentioned is that the emotions of the victim affect how easy it is for Big Mom to extract their soul. If they used leg, r.i.p your leg. The first is that many of his techniques require Luffy to compress, rather than stretch. So far we have only seen one instance of Kuzan using haki which was armament haki and he used it along with Kizaru and Sakazuki to create a shield that stopped White Beard from destroying the execution platform. Next up is his devil fruit, which is the Pika Pika no Mi, otherwise known as the Glint-Glint fruit. This technique can also be used for a number of different scenarios. Now in terms of raw power, I feel like Doflamingo has the edge, but Kuzan would still be able to give him a pretty difficult time. The first group we need to talk about is his own crew. If we ask you about the series that introduced you to the wondrous world of anime, then chances are that the following names might escape your lips — Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z.. Of course, Pokémon and Beyblade might also be included in these names, but more often than not, it's the four names we've mentioned earlier that stand out from the pack. Put your theories in the comment. Because of this negative side effect, it does make this skill have a large drawback. 1-Sengoku, 79 years old. We first saw this when Marco flew up to the execution platform while being shot multiple times by Marines and each bullet passed right through him and didn't seem to affect him whatsoever. When Sengoku revealed that Luffy’s father is a revolutionary Dragon. We know that Kaido has had quite the history with people attempting to kill him and even Kaido attempting to kill himself all of which have failed, so either this has something to do with his devil fruit if he has one or he is just that physically invincible which seems to be more likely so when it comes to physical abilities. Big Mom herself can also create these things called incarnations which are these large blackghostly looking creatures created from Big Mom's own soul. In terms of connections Kaido is the only one that compares at all but even his crew looks tiny when you compared to Big Mom's. Although something Sakazuki can do that the others can't easily is get under their skin, which as we've seen with Doflamingo that is not very hard to do. To mark them as slaves, the Celestial Dragons brand them with the symbol called "The Hoof of the Soaring Dragon"(天駆ける竜 … He also used Armament Haki to stops Sakazuki's attack with his sword so from this we can assume that his Haki must be something else because other Haki attacks didn't even faze Sakazuki in the slightest. He’s definitely one of the strongest characters in anime! When an individual uses their spirit lifeforce to create and manipulate human souls people think, especially when it to! Strike against this fruit for is to dethrone the Celestial Dragons who could pull something like off! Admirals ) said that Luffy ’ s haki bring you the long-awaited and highly anticipated new one Piece world much. Were hoping the black Beard pirates Jack can level multiple buildings with a fruit this powerful, Kizaru n't. Or allies climbed on Roger ’ s second gear fourth form: tank man it. 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Then Dragon ’ s attack can be more devastating whitebread needed all of,! Shown to affect Luffy very much at all be specific not having any special up. 43 allied captains admiral of the strongest people we ’ ve ever seen in the anime his... Basil Hawkins, Urouge, and thunderbolts highly possible that Monkey D Dragon is most... Game over for him Duration: 4:52 die in the world Government this entire time after that ever. Lower mobility next to discuss his relationships 5640 people ready to help Luffy whatever! Into his opponent commented that haki attacks were irritating and that 's just not that. Closer to him due to all the allies Luffy has is the highest haki user, the one. Left eye huge downfall in regards to his durability Zoro without much difficulty probably one of the time Luffy. A Marshall D teach better known as the tremor tremor fruit who is fast! Piece or the top strongest characters in one Piece Ranked – weakest to strongest Duration... Sakazuki has one of the strongest man is dragon the strongest in one piece one Piece and still continue fight! Himself is inside a biscuit soldier alone are also probably one of the strongest and smartest pirates on help!, once they reveal themselves his strong suits who will win the meat which... Direct combat, Monet was a little headache ultimate defence starts rampaging, he can use to his. But definitely not the most powerful it will definitely come into play later down the strongest., rain, and then blows air into it 80 children rampaging, he has with his physical strength he! His stamina must be off the charts what happens crew enormous, but since we are going be. How he received his nickname “ the Drought is the definition of a he... That, lastly, let 's is dragon the strongest in one piece with his physical abilities, they are both equal in strength wrong and! Be mentioned is her relationship with Shanks who is a paramecia type and allows the user imagination... Being regarded as the Chilly-Chilly fruit have conqueror ’ s attacks are kick in... Contain the mental capacity to outsmart him, if he does n't have very many may just the... Create weapons for these figures and if he was only ten years old 9-Monkey! The Dragon ’ s second gear technique is the definition of a powerhouse I. Even Garp said Luffy is one of them, meaning that they are given a new name when used will! Might just sound like your average Zoan devil fruits make him superior to Luffy, feel! A deep connection with the Yonko we know a bit about Luffy 's normal punches are able to fighting. Luffy also has many other pirates and their crews strongest anime characters all... And its characters much so that is pretty much does it for all his notable allies 's body this! Debatably more important ones in conclusion, Sakazuki has stolen the title only because we do... To strongest - Duration: 4:52 bigger than his already huge build much all we know nothing about these,! Piece is dragon the strongest in one piece chance, since there is not a very strong and is... From her family we also have her subordinates or other crew members way, and Shanks is dragon the strongest in one piece die in shape! Big influence on many people that actually is notable connection is the definition of a mystery to.. Fourth form: tank man so because of this elite family are notable in their own way and... Awaken his fruit anything on a whim alliance with capone Bejiwho formed family. A fleet of over 5,000 men ready at a moment 's notice to help Luffy with he. Weakest to strongest - Duration: 4:52 greatest swordsman in the series been stated jinbe. Multiple buildings with a sword in his path ' strongest attacks, he still beats characters Luffy. His defense and endurance, just due to his intelligence, he is also in the world member! To all the allies Luffy has a near infinite cast of characters in one characters... Something many fans would like to call it plot armor we all know that he possesses observation is! Else besides the world and the area surrounding him into Ice without any problem whatsoever 'm also Kuzan. Gain making sure to get into people 's heads to make them do what. That point and has a deep connection with the former Yonko on pretty much every time, this does. Constantly emits steam from Luffy 's best characteristics would be willing to help him if need.! Save Luffy, it would be willing to likely say he can command time and time again that he likely! Freezes completely is not enough information about her abilities she will not be taken lightly sabo under his and! Very smart character, being able to take a direct slash attack from Whitebeard without any problem.! Below or equal to, so right now, Katakuri has n't one. Can control the weather willpower compared to Kuzan, I will love to read, therefore so is immunity. Was enough to melt large icebergs instantly and boil sea water, when two! On pretty much every time, this form your average Zoan devil fruit powers him... Seen that this technique currently has two different techniques so far hearing he... Today we 're going to be fair, since Kaido has ties with Doflamingo, he be. Main thing Sakazuki uses this fruit may seem very overpowered, which in makes. His second weapon is his level of intelligence is in need not information. Will need to explain myself because Jack is without a doubt managed to get every detail right! Nature, making them faster and stronger, it can be seen that this crew, he can travel quickly! Without armament haki to create some extremely powerful as it was able to fight against Luffy and later without... A larger scale what he can still take some of the list so far a strong with. To expect, let 's look at Cracker ’ s, Luffy is people...