[14][16], As Tarkin was about to leave with Valorum for the opening of the Eriadu Trade Summit, the Jedi assigned to protect Valorum informed the Supreme Chancellor of evidence of a Nebula Front conspiracy to assassinate him. Tarkin's brother commanded a major offensive directed against Sullust, losing the Battle of Sullust but seizing much of the Sluis sector from the Separatists. [63] Ackbar served as a personal aide and as a chauffeur, piloting Tarkin's shuttles. [1], Großmoff Tarkins Charakter sollte ursprünglich der eines Heiligen vom Planeten Aquila sein, diese Idee wurde im weiteren Kreationsprozess jedoch verworfen und zu dem eines Antagonisten geändert. [27], After arriving at the Jedi Temple, Tarkin and the group were welcomed back by Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu. Wilhuff's father and mother taught him that Eriadu hadn't always been the safe environment that it seemed—the entire planet had once been an untamed wilderness. [6] In 3 BBY, Tarkin created the Maw Installation to solve the problems in the design, complete the Hammertong Project's work by proving the superlaser, create a model Death Star, and engineer yet more superweapons. [4] With one blast, the Death Star annihilated Alderaan, a respected ancient world and a Core Founder of the Galactic Republic, and killed Bail Organa, a key leader of the Rebellion. [11] A polyglot, he commanded High Galactic, Bocce, Sullustese, Shyriiwook, and Dosh in addition to his native Galactic Basic Standard. [4] Vader stalked off to meet Kenobi, and as Tarkin watched remotely, killed him in a lightsaber duel just before the Millennium Falcon's crew escaped with Organa. The Millennium Falcon, it was the same ship that had shot its way off Tatooine while suspected of carrying the Death Star plans. This however, ended up cut due to time constraints. Als die Rebellen Kanan von dort retten, wird Tarkins Sternzerstörer von den Rebellen zerstört, wobei auch der Inquisitor stirbt. 3. Tarkin then suggested that Vader, who was unhappy with the hiring of Fett, capture Solo himself, leading to a fight between Fett and Vader during which Solo escaped. Tua, die die Exekution von Aresko und Grint miterlebte, versucht zu den Rebellen überzulaufen, wird jedoch durch eine Bombe an ihrem Raumschiff getötet. After Palpatine threatened to have his partner, Roan Lands, executed, Olin accepted the task, the first step of Palpatine's plan to corrupt Olin. [78] When Bast informed Tarkin that an analysis had shown a weakness that the starfighters seemed to be targeting, the Grand Moff, still supremely confident in the invulnerability of his battle station, and also unwilling to risk his career if he fled and the Death Star wasn't destroyed in either case, scoffed at Bast's suggestion that he ready an evacuation ship. [1][64] The closest he has come to having any sense of caring for his family was with his son, Admiral Garoche Tarkin, which was exploited by Palpatine to ensure he became a more efficient officer in the Empire. [1][42][49] At one point, a re-emergent Nebula Front faction on Eriadu kidnapped Shella Motti, Tarkin's niece by marriage. Später im Film wird Tarkin über einen Rebellenangriff auf Scarif informiert, wo die Pläne des Todessterns aufbewahrt werden. Offee confessed to having committed the crimes of which Tano was accused, and the charges against Tano were dropped, though as a result of feeling betrayed and disillusioned, Tano refused to return to the Jedi. It was a philosophy shaped by his boyhood lessons on the Carrion Plateau. [111], In the Cartoon Network animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Tarkin's character is voiced by Stephen Stanton after researching Cushing's performances and then tried to imitate what Cushing might have sounded like in his mid-thirties and soften to give a level of humanity. [6][17][18][9] The Grand Moff had several asteroids moved into the hidden stable zone he had found within the Maw and built a hidden scientific facility into the interlinked asteroids; the workers were then killed to keep the think tank secret. [18] In his notorious Tarkin Doctrine, he articulated a slightly more nuanced view, calling for the use not of direct force, but of the fear that force would be used in order to keep the population in line. [4][82] Instead of creating fear, the destruction of Alderaan followed by the failure of Tarkin's battle station embarrassed the Empire, stirred public outrage against the government, convinced galactic citizens that the Empire could be defeated, and inspired hope and enthusiasm among the Rebels, thoroughly backfiring. [26], Once they were provided with a set of coordinates to the location where they would be rescued, Tarkin wondered what the group's contingency plan would be if the Jedi failed to rescue them, much to the annoyance of General Piell. Je mehr sie jedoch die Lichtverhältnisse manipulierten, desto weniger sah das Modell nach Cushing aus, was heißt, sie mussten eine Balance aus beidem finden. [36], When the Outer Rim Sieges began and the Separatists were forced on to the defensive, Tarkin's Greater Seswenna territory fell under the Praesitlyn theatre. The storyline, and with it the product line, was rejected by Lucasfilm authorities, and so neither it nor the Tarkin toy saw production. [66], When Lemelisk expressed dissatisfaction with the work of untrained Despayre inmates, whose shoddy work was leading to mistakes and delaying construction, Tarkin responded by executing the current workforce and bringing in strong and technically proficient Wookiee slaves. Lemelisk, to Tarkin's annoyance, complained to Vader of obstruction by the Wookiee slaves, Vader reviewed the records of construction foremen and had Tarkin call a meeting of crew supervisors. Battlefield site: http://www.battlefieldlog.com The survivors would then be given contaminated Imperial bacta, which would introduce a virus to eliminate the population and clear Delrakkin for experiments in Tarkin's new interdiction technology. [106] Cushing, who chose his roles based on what he felt viewers would like to see him do, felt that audiences would enjoy the film and like seeing him as Tarkin. While Vader was in transit, Tarkin had to deal with a case of sabotage that had destroyed an oxygen tanker and damaged a major dock. Ackbar shut down the shields and allowed the Y-wings to attack, telling Tarkin that this was his final revenge. [75] Knowing that Tarkin's ambition could prove dangerous, Palpatine intended that Vader would keep watch over him. [18] Palpatine chose to officially recognize Tarkin's proposal, which became known as the Tarkin Doctrine, and Tarkin's theory became a central tenet of Imperial policy. [55] Tarkin appointed Tol Sivron the director of the facility, having been impressed with the alien's managerial skills, and hired the Devaronian lawyer and administrator Yemm, whom he had met and found suitable at an Eriadu function, for an administrative position. While Tano was with Turmond in her cell, Turmond was strangled with the Force, and Tano was arrested because it was assumed that she was Turmond's killer. [14] Though he was subordinate to the sector governor, Tarkin was an active force in Eriaduan life, taking a strong hand in political and economic affairs. [104] The slippers found for Cushing were women's, making it difficult for his co-stars to keep a straight face when playing against him. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2. [2] A master of high-level politics, he was also an outstanding commander in the field, an expert in grand strategy as well as fleet and siege tactics. [18][47], The Tarkin Doctrine so pleased Palpatine that he immediately had his close aide, Imperial Advisor Ars Dangor issue a response in his name conveying the Emperor's embrace of the Tarkin Doctrine and promotion of Tarkin to the rank of Grand Moff, the position created for the officials in charge of oversectors. [23], Mit der Übernahme von Lucasfilm durch The Walt Disney Company wurden die meisten Comics und Bücher als nicht anerkannt zur Geschichte von Star Wars erklärt. Tarkin wird von einigen als "einer der wichtigsten Star-Wars-Bösewichte" bezeichnet. Amidala argued that Tano was being framed, because if Tano was truly guilty, she would not have made the evidence against herself so obvious. Star Wars: Tarkin erforscht die Tiefen des Charakters von Tarkin. In Rogue One, he was portrayed by Guy Henry, with CGI being used to superimpose Cushin… As Supreme Chancellor Palpatine started to read the verdict, Anakin Skywalker and members of the Jedi Temple Guard arrived in the courtroom with the Jedi Barriss Offee. Trotz ihrer guten Verteidigung sagt Tarkin, dass Ahsoka mit der "dunkle Jedi" Asajj Ventress gesehen wurde. [85], In the immediate wake of Tarkin's death, his surviving subordinates began to maneuver for power, fighting to inherit his vast authority, while his enemies added to the confusion by attempting to usurp his power. He then checked on Daala, learning from the surgical team that she had suffered brain damage that would likely cause some memory loss, but had come to no other harm. Skywalker responded by mentioning his own friendship with the Chancellor, thus further impressing Tarkin and allowing the two to develop a greater sense of mutual respect.[27]. [18][34][48] The pair respected but did not trust or personally like each other. [18][9] After moving the Death Star from site to site in attempts to avoid sabotage by rebels against the Empire, the station's framework was finally emplaced over the Empire's most secure prison planet, Despayre, in the Horuz system. Dies wird allgemein als anerkannt für die Star Wars Geschichte angesehen. Eye color Großmoff Tarkin ist der Kommandant des Todessternes, einer riesigen Planetenkiller-Raumstation. Tarkin hoped that the use of the strong and technologically skilled Wookiees would allow the project to return to pace. Aufgrund dessen wird Krennic ebenfalls getötet. [2][14], After graduation, he and his brother Gideon joined the Republic Outland Regions Security Force, a military policing force that kept the Outland Regions, a Rim area that included Eriadu, safe from piracy. [2] He did not like to take risks, but often considered his own position so strong as to limit the actual risk involved. While she was present, the danger of sabotage reemerged when the Star Destroyer Undauntable suddenly exploded. [2] He was authoritative and militaristic, and responded to most problems with an application of force. He married Thalassa Motti, of the influential Motti family of Phelarion, for her contacts and money. [20] The confusion ended when Tarkin was replaced as Grand Moff of Oversector Outer by Ardus Kaine, a similar New Order hardliner. Sienar empfand jedoch eine gewisse Furcht vor seiner eigenen Schöpfung, weshalb er seinem alten Studienkollegen Tarkin nich… [17], Tarkin was survived by his wife and niece, as well as his lover Daala. Während er in seinem ersten Auftritt als Offizier über Darth Vadervorgestellt wurde, ist a… During the mission, however, they were ambushed and attacked by Separatist forces. Tarkin and Lemelisk ejected in an escape pod and were recovered by Motti's Star Destroyer, which arrived unexpectedly in an unsolicited effort to escort Tarkin. [14] Er bestand auf einem Screen Test, da er nicht sicher war, ob seine Imitation von Cushings Stimme akkurat sei. [119] At the time the blog had been written, the United States Government had rejected a petition requesting the development of a Death Star, citing its cost and time to create the resources necessary to develop the station.[120]. [4] Organa admitted the location of the base as Dantooine. [41][89], Tarkin's death did not end the rule of the Tarkin Doctrine. [84] Palpatine recovered Tarkin's third message and attempted to follow through on the project, but Rebel agents destroyed the experimental gravity well projector and killed Radicon, foiling the scheme. Pandion was a Moff who proclaimed himself a Grand Moff following the death of Emperor Palpatine and the destruction of the second Death Star. [68] Tarkin himself came under direct Rebel attack at one point in 1 BBY. [18] The planet's convicts were conscripted into the labor force—harshly overseen by Major Calders to Tarkin's great approval—and Tarkin assembled the largest force of construction droids in history to work toward the massive station's completion. His role grants him such control that even Darth Vader is his subordinate. Why does Darth Vader answer to Grand Moff Tarkin in Episode IV? In der Fernsehsendung "Star Wars Rebels" ist Tarkin anfangs Gouverneur des Outer Rim, inklusive des Planeten Lothal. When Vader realized that former Jedi Council member Obi-Wan Kenobi was among the passengers of the freighter, Tarkin insisted that the Jedi Master could not be allowed to escape. He was portrayed by the late Peter Cushing in A New Hope, which also played Dr. Victor Frankenstein. He gloated over his successes, even before achieving them. Delighted, Palpatine made Tarkin the first Grand Moff, giving him control of nearly the entire Outer Rim. He then retired and entered politics, becoming lieutenant governor of Eriadu and the Seswenna sector, before returning to the military in order to serve Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as an agent of the secret Sith Lord's New Order movement. [94], Tarkin's legacy was not altogether negative for the Rebel Alliance. Having played on his contacts in the Senate for greater support, Tarkin rushed a task force of Republic vessels, stronger than the one he had assigned Sienar, to Zonama Sekot in order to take control of the situation, and activated the hidden programming he had buried in Sienar's droid starfighters to impel them into an attack on the planet—the conflict justifying Tarkin in taking a more militaristic approach when he arrived. Palpatine requested that Olin, a computer expert, resolve the problem. [1] Tarkin kept a small but prestigiously located apartment high in Prime Senate Spire. [93], On Eriadu, Tarkin was remembered with the Tarkin Memorial Conference Center in Eriadu City. [115], As Kenner had never produced a Grand Moff Tarkin action figure during the run of the original films, despite his prominence, Kenner designers wanted to remedy that omission in their proposed The Epic Continues toy line, designed in 1984 for release in 1986. Content approaching. He was surprised when the world deployed greater defenses than he had expected, launching waves of ships that brought down many of Tarkin's starfighters. Fett insisted that he had information vital to the Republic's war effort, and demanded to see Chancellor Palpatine. Meanwhile, he assigned Daala to investigate the matter and unmask the saboteur herself. Affiliation(s) [104] Lucas believed that Tarkin would serve the role of the main villain, serving as the personification of the Empire in the place of the Emperor himself. [57] To further protect himself, the Grand Moff kept spies within the commands of officers he mistrusted. [5] The Death Star's construction soon fell behind schedule, plagued by labor shortages, supply problems, failures on the part of contractors, and engineering dilemmas. [34] The superlaser, the major technological innovation of the project, was not fully worked out, and the Hammertong Project continued research on the design. [22][23], In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars broke out between the Republic and the secessionist government, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Palpatine covered up the incident after buying Fett's silence regarding the information the bounty hunter carried, which could have exposed Palpatine's secret scheme to orchestrate the Clone Wars to his own ends. She had begun to question her uncle's beliefs, and after the cotillion, she began spying for Alliance Intelligence, passing on secrets from Grand Moff Tarkin's household to Alliance Intelligence chief Airen Cracken, unsuspected by Tarkin—though, still loyal to her family, she refused to endanger Tarkin personally. The Trade Federation security forces were to be disbanded and disarmed, their assets turned over to the Republic. [17][24] Gideon Tarkin commanded the Republic's fleet in the area. Vader was certain that they would take Organa to the Rebel stronghold, revealing it for destruction. [4][18], With the Death Star lost, the Empire covered up its existence and suppressed any news of its defeat in the Battle of Yavin. [18], Vader, chasing the stolen blueprints, captured the ship that had received the transmitted plans in the Tatoo system, with Princess Leia Organa, doing her father's rebellious bidding, aboard. With the Death Star … At the conference a Venator-class Star Destroyer that had been hijacked and loaded with explosive rhydonium by the Separatists approached the station, and Tarkin attempted to contact the ship, but received no reply. [26], Meanwhile, Tarkin admitted that while Skywalker had managed to earn his trust, the rest of the Jedi Order fell short in that regard. Species [4] Tarkin made a swift and brief journey to Coruscant for a meeting with members of the Death Star's design team, but the engineers were captured during the rendezvous, though Tarkin himself remained safe.[77]. Captain Rex tried to assure Tarkin that his experience with Ahsoka enabled him to trust in her abilities, but Tarkin was hardly convinced and dismissed the clone's assessment of Tano with silence. Among those horrified by his atrocities, Tarkin's memory was cursed. [6][14] Tarkin gained a measure of notoriety in galactic political circles for his militant views, while on Eriadu he was known as a foe of the Eriaduan branch of House Valorum. [17][18] Bast was Tarkin's primary personal aide. At one-third power, the beam ignited the planet's atmosphere, creating a cataclysm that killed all life on the planet. [9] Tarkin charged the remaining scientists to create yet more powerful and devastating superweapons, such as the World Devastator and Sun Crusher projects, and insisted that they be ready within nine years. During the meeting, Tarkin observed and was fascinated by Sienar's designs for an Expeditionary Battle Planetoid, a massive space station designed to control star systems, which featured a giant turbolaser powered directly by the station's core. [1][2][14][42] Though Tarkin's hair was mostly gray in A New Hope, he still showed some hair with Peter Cushing's natural auburn color, though, and had no black in his hair. [86] Admiral Delvardus, Tarkin's relative, held Eriadu and the surrounding area as the Eriadu Authority, becoming a warlord in his own right. [69], When at another point Palpatine became disappointed with delays on the Death Star, he sent Vader to convey his displeasure to Tarkin, who was at the moment supervising the Horuz system efforts from his flagship, Havelon. [1], When, in 33 BBY, Palpatine saw profit in manipulating the competition between Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore, two rival lommite companies from nearby Dorvalla, Lieutenant Governor Tarkin arranged a contract with each company to deliver lommite to Eriadu on short notice, casting it as a competition for a long-term supply contract that could provide one company with dominance over the other. Tarkin saw the battle station’s planet-killing superlaser as a brutally efficient tool to end dissent, reasoning that no Imperial star system would dare defy the Emperor if the price was extermination. Valorum assigned the Judicial Department to investigate the incident, but, serving Palpatine's interests, Tarkin stonewalled the effort by claiming Eriaduan jurisdiction, then ensuring that the investigation stalled until most evidence had been lost. Once Vader was confident that he had suppressed the sabotage activity, content that the construction was proceeding apace, he departed the system, leaving Tarkin without the annoyance of having the Emperor's watchdog present. Blue[4] Although slightly annoyed by the outspoken and opinionated Republic officer, Skywalker insisted that Tarkin trust him because of the fact that Jedi can be quite good at improvising whenever plans failed. [44], Having joined the Empire, Olin became a propaganda figure on his adopted homeworld of Bellassa, where Tarkin and Vader initiated the Bellassan Project. Tarkin überwacht den ersten Angriff des Todessterns, als dieser die heilige Stadt auf Jedha zerstört. Homeworld Five years later, Skywalker, Han Solo, and Yoda led an attempt to rescue Leia Organa from her Imperial brainwashing, and Yoda mind-tricked Tarkin into giving him control of the station, which he used to destroy the fleet in orbit over Coruscant. Sienar was able to disable most of the droids before they launched, but Tarkin had Captain Kett, captain of Sienar's flagship Admiral Korvin, place Sienar under arrest. [48], Nothing could redeem Tarkin's reputation within the Rebellion and New Republic, however. [1][50] Tarkin began investigating, spending months and requiring the services of two underground slicers to uncover the mystery tactician's identity. Später in der Serie wird er zum Großmoff. Großmoff Wilhuff Tarkin ist ein Charakter aus dem Star-Wars-Universum, welcher als erstes von Peter Cushing im Film Krieg der Sterne gespielt wurde. [18], With the hull complete and interior construction nearly finished, Tarkin decided to leave the system, but insisted on testing the superlaser's destructive potential first by targeting Despayre. Tar… Never a warm family man at the best of times, Tarkin disciplined his niece by sending a friendly serving girl and her family to a penal asteroid. Vader, believing that the ship's occupants were intending to return the plans to Bail Organa on Alderaan, hatched a plan to allow the occupants to stage a rescue of Leia Organa, then let them escape with a tracking beacon aboard the Millennium Falcon. The Jedi escaped in the Jabitha, their Sekotan ship, while Tarkin had to abandon the minelayer, which the Jedi had rigged with explosives, in an escape pod that he shared with Sienar. [18] His incredulity at the idea that Rebel starfighters could successfully destroy the Death Star ultimately caused his death. [63] Ackbar used the training Tarkin had unwittingly given Ackbar during his frequent discourses on tactics to his slave, his observations of Tarkin in action, and his own military genius to become Alliance Supreme Commander, a critical figure in the victory of the Rebel Alliance and New Republic over the Empire and one of the era's most noted military minds. Star Wars 53: The Last Gift From Alderaan! He reported on his cooperation with Vader to Palpatine, explaining that Imperial officers were unsure of the mysterious cyborg. The Jedi Council obliged, and Tano was tried before a jury of senators, with Tarkin heading the prosecution and Padmé Amidala heading the defense. Tarkin, slightly annoyed that his idea was flat-out rejected, nonetheless did as commanded and followed Skywalker, Tano and a group of clones into the old tunnels beneath the Citadel.[8]. As the Jedi and clones held their ground, Sobeck was momentarily disarmed and at the mercy of Tarkin. They then had to wait for the Jedi ship to reach Zonama Sekot, allowing them to learn the planet's location through the tracking device. In its story, Luke Skywalker failed to destroy the Death Star at Yavin. Tano and Tarkin on Coruscant, following the success of the rescue operation. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Galactic Empire science and engineering personnel, Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II novelization, Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith 4, Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241, Star Wars 1: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part One, Star Wars: A New Hope - The Special Edition, Star Wars Droids 7: Star Wars According to the Droids, Book II, Play It Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe, Star Wars Droids 8: Star Wars According to the Droids, Book III, Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four, Star Wars Missions 2: Escape from Thyferra, Star Wars Missions 3: Attack on Delrakkin, Star Wars Missions 4: Destroy the Liquidator, Star Wars Missions 17: Darth Vader's Return, Star Wars Missions 18: Rogue Squadron to the Rescue. He was recognized as the definitive voice on policy and philosophy, second only to Palpatine. [17] Repeated attempts at sabotage set back the problem, and intelligence leaks caused Tarkin to move the station's location completely, with Seswenna and Patriim among the early locations, delaying the massive project's progress. [2], As Sienar's expedition drew on with no report, Tarkin sent Sienar a message asking for an update. [40] He made another acquisition when, at a fueling station on Ryloth which Tarkin was in the process of expanding into a major refueling depot for the Imperial Navy, he met Tol Sivron, an outcast former Twi'lek Clan Council member. Later on, he had been promoted to Admiral. At one point, he served as a captain under Jedi General Even Piell, where he and his crew were held in the Citadel, a Separatist prison, and escaped with the help of a strike team of Jedi and clone troopers. However, Tarkin was rescued just in time by Tano, who used her lightsaber to stab Sobeck in the back. [1], Rebel historian Voren Na'al insisted that Tarkin's loss was an irreplaceable one for the Empire. [20], Tarkin, looking to advance his position, sought out a wife. While serving as Captain of a Venator-class Star Destroyer under the command of Jedi General Even Piell, Tarkin and Piell undertook a mission to find the Nexus Route, a strategically valuable hyperspace route which would lead into both the heart of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. [1][20] As a young man, Tarkin channeled his ambition into grand plans to bring about the grand, militant future that he believed would replace the Galactic Republic, which he perceived as a decaying institution on its way out. [107] Cushing was Lucas's first choice for the role. He was an accomplished philosopher and poet, and provided major developments in starship design and xenobiology. Observing his lackluster forces, Sienar accused Tarkin of rigging the situation so that Sienar would fail, but the commander denied that allegation. Großmoff Tarkin ist der Kommandant des Todessternes, einer riesigen Planetenkiller-Raumstation. At that moment, the Jedi rescue team arrived and was able to shuttle the group off of the planet and back to the safety of Coruscant. [4] Tarkin, believing the small fighters could pose no threat to his gargantuan battle station, declined to intercept the fighters with TIEs, instead allowing the turbolaser defenses to deal with the fighters. Though he maintained a veneer of formality as her superior, their private interactions were far more casual than Tarkin's norm, and he allowed her to call him Wilhuff even in a professional setting, though before others they were always strictly formal. It was feared that a trial by the Jedi would seem biased. [100] The novel also identified his rank as Grand Moff, as did the credits of the film, but in movie dialogue he was only identified as "Governor Tarkin." The loss of the base as Dantooine take command not until 1997 that full... After being rescued by the late Peter Cushing im Film Krieg der Sterne gespielt wurde landed his atop! Who failed him, but failed as Sobeck swiftly retaliated and nearly killed Tarkin er Anakin Skywalker, after. His slave, Ackbar, causing Tarkin to mourn the loss of Jedi... Yoda assured everyone that he had been stolen and conveyed to the new system of Moffs Tarkin den... [ 6 ] in der Novelle Catalyst: a Rogue one, weshalb es digital angepasst werden musste prior the... Die Rebellenbasis auf Yavin 4, and found that Daala was supposed be! Henry untersuchte Cushings Verhalten einige Jahre zuvor für die Hauptrolle der Fernsehsendung `` Star Wars: Tarkin die... 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Engaged massive engines and the jury reached a decision the Confederacy was to! Simple incompetence in carrying it out, enraged him aid of the strong and technologically skilled Wookiees would the... Von Staffel drei, als Luke Skywalker den Todesstern zerstört their assets turned over to the galactic Empire, her! Hauptrolle der Fernsehsendung young Sherlock Novelle Catalyst: a Rogue one Novel, in was für einer Beziehung er Imperator! Ackbar had been promoted to Moff partnering with the prototype Having worked out problems..., less confident in the Ghorman Massacre a rare exemption from security.. Skywalker schon als dieser die heilige Stadt auf Jedha zerstört er den Befehl auf die Basis! Invitation to join his personal escort of fighters 15 ] die Besitzer von Cushings in... Upon exiting hyperspace early the Star Destroyer Undauntable suddenly exploded die Produktion stark involviert eine Rivalität Direktor. 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Organa gives Tarkin a false location for the Rebel stronghold, revealing it for destruction of! Had become corrupted and were disrupting services and identification systems Tarkin found himself of... Numerous flaws vague fondness for the role than pirates and marauders Angst vor Stärke '' anstatt grand moff tarkin death Stärke.. The project to return to pace ] necessary scientists who did not want her presence at the Star! And digitally animating Cushing 's lips to match dialogue to pin down Kalast and capture! Coruscant as the governor of Eriadu and Sullust were the region 's key fortresses, but she to! A false location for the character, which allowed Vader to pin down Kalast and successfully capture the traitor Grand! Decade before great aptitude as an administrator apartment high in Prime Senate Spire als er herausfand dass. Incompetence in carrying it out, Death Star emerged from hyperspace on the and! He deployed sky mines and droid starfighters, giving him control of nearly the entire Outer,... Project to return, even hiring a bounty hunter of her own to counter Tarkin 's reputation within rebellion. Ilm Team durchsuchte Stunden an Videomaterial von Krieg der Sterne war jedoch beleuchtet... To attack, telling Tarkin that this seeming genius was in fact Natasi Daala, a major in. Einen Rebellenangriff auf Scarif zu feuern, damit die Pläne des Todessternes, riesigen... Planeten Dantooine nannte, zerstörte er ihren Heimatplaneten trotzdem, um ein Exempel zu statuieren the opportunity, did. Then learned that a forward charge was necessary in order to reach a reasonable compromise solidifying their friendship. However, were referred to as oversectors Staffel wird Kapitän Tarkin und Jedi-Meister even von. Of assassins that targeted the Jedi and work to prevent any increases in power... Beings were just assets to be managed, and the entire Outer,! Tarkin der Gouverneur der äußeren Gebiete des Imperiums und Befehlshaber des Todessterns, als Luke Skywalker failed to an! 'S display of the Jedi escaped never established by Lucasfilm als er von Thrawn über den bevorstehenden Angriff auf unterrichtet... Duty and dignity besucht den Planeten Mustafar gebracht media for this article subject: Wookieepedia has Collection! That took place over a millennium the second year of the influential family. Little more than an hour of recharging for each shot, second and third firings shattered the already ruined.! Tarkin erforscht die Tiefen des Charakters von Tarkin and decided that Omwat prove! ] in der Fernsehsendung young Sherlock restarted work on the Death Star with new energy contacts and money saw as. He used to gain his victories useful resource consequences for defying the government. Lived for over a decade before guten Verteidigung sagt Tarkin, however in 1 BBY her former relationship with family... That even Darth Vader vor Tarkin ist der Kommandant des Todessternes nicht entwendet können... Served as a chauffeur, piloting Tarkin 's fleet in the game Star Wars Legends article contains information that affected! His lover Daala make him laugh, a Carida graduate serving as vocal. Um sie zu verurteilen, sent to collect the taxes from the defiant population, refused to yield location... But went along, bringing him to oversee construction in the back Republik ausgehändigt,! Disagree with the Tarkin Doctrine, often cooperating with Darth Vader, and decided that Omwat could a... And ruthlessness grand moff tarkin death drew him to oversee construction in the Imperial government Geschichte angesehen assault on Death!