The reason I’m torn is because trout will bite all day and even all night long under the right circumstances. If it’s sunny and hot, avoid fishing midday. Once the water temperature tops 18C or so, it’s time to switch to a different species of fish until fall comes around. This is when the fish are going to be the most active in feeding. I still think morning and evenings will be best but not by a wide margin. We are focusing on cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, and brown trout in this article. What is the best time of day to fish? I have found that right before sunrise until roughly 2 hours after sunrise is the best time of the day to catch most species of trout. Avoid dark nights or windy nights as this will keep the insect-activity to a minimum. You’ll be saving a ton of money and getting awesome lures month after month. Around here that’s typically late July, August, and the first bit of September. Discover the best time of day to catch bass, trout, catfish, panfish, walleye, carp, and many more depending on the season, moon phases, and weather. Unlike lakes and reservoirs, ponds are influenced by the fluctuations of air temperature and sunlight throughout the day. A higher metabolism means more actively feeding trout. You are most likely to catch them in the afternoon during the springtime, and in the morning hours in warmer summer months. Click here to read my complete review of Mystery Tackle Box. The answer to this question can vary depending on season, insect and food availability, species of trout, and a variety of other factors. Fall It also reduces sunlight. Fall is well underway, and it is perhaps the best time of the year to target BIG brown trout. While you can catch a trout at any time of the day, make sure to target the early morning or later evening if you are going to fish specifically for lake trout. For a complete breakdown of everything you need for trout fishing. Early morning can be good if the daytime temperature is a bit warmer. Best Nights To Go Trout Fishing: Night Time Conditions. It allows you to cover a ton of water and find trout which are notoriously tough to locate in big water. Midday can be awesome, however, if you have any overcast, cloudy, or rainy weather. Does Weather Affect When Fishing is Good? During summer, the best time to fish for trout is early morning and late afternoon. You can catch trout long after they were stocked. The example we just went through is a … If the river has as of late lost its ice, the river trout might be directly at the surface. Here are some tips on choosing the best gear for trout fishing: Early season can be a great time to fish for trophy Lake Trout. Nighttime fishing can be solid if there is strong moonlight and a lot of insects in the air. These specific seasonal trout movements will be unique in your area, it’s worth asking around to see where the trout will be. I know this applies to a minority of trout anglers, but tidally influenced water can also affect trout feeding behavior. Hours of fun can be had trying to catch a trophy trout on a small dry! We caught 4 fish. The other reason spring is the best time to fish Ontario rivers is because you also have the chance to fish other species that closed to fishing on October 1st. The best nights to catch trout is on nights that are well lit by moonlight. If you are out before a hatch has begun, that doesn’t mean the fish won’t bite. Nighttime fishing is pretty lousy in the fall for most fishermen. When is the best time to fish for trout? There can be some variability to that rule though. Well, when are trout the most active then? Late afternoon is a very close second because insect activity is often very high around sunset and this provides a ton of food for hungry trout, who again spent hours during the day feeding very little. Cool water warming (winter into spring) and warm water cooling (summer into fall) is likely to increase fish activity. … My fishing time in June and early July is mostly spent targeting the big sea run brookies that have come up river. October and November have perfect temperatures for steelhead, and I spend all my time on the water in the fall chasing these sea run rainbow trout. Nighttime trout ice fishing can be very hit or miss. JAN 20, 2021 - When one thinks of winter, getting outdoors does not necessarily sound enticing. There will be a very tiny mention of the best time of day to catch lake trout at the end of this article. The hour before and the hour after the sun goes down are crazy productive, especially if you’re targeting trophy brook trout. Some nights it can be really good and other nights, it won’t be worth your time. Instead, trout may be more sluggish but they will readily feed on insect larvae as long as their prey is beneath them in the water column and they don’t have to look up into the sun. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trout prefer cooler water richer in dissolved oxygen and they don’t love direct intense sunlight. The best time to catch trout is when they are most active. Winter steelhead are one of the most prized fish in freshwater. Their eyes work really well in the reduced light of early morning and late afternoon but struggle to absorb enough light at night. This is a general rule, and like everything in fishing, has exceptions. Bass fishing is made easier when you aren’t worried about the fish seeing your fishing line. I know this is a bit random, but if you ever wanted to go on a guided or chartered fishing trip in freshwater or saltwater, you should check out Fishing Booker. Sometime’s it affects activity more so than even the time of day. Generally speaking, the slowest times of day are during the night and midday on most days for trout. Nighttime fishing can be very good on full moons with plenty of insects out and about. That'd be a very poor fishing decision and outright ignoring the conditions at hand. Most of Ontario’s best trout and steelhead rivers are all within a 60 to 90 minutes minutes drive from us in Orangeville Ontario. I have tested the walleye, bass, trout, and panfish box so far and discovered awesome lures worth ordering separately. As the days start to get hotter, insect activity increases in rivers. What I wrote above can be shortened to the following. Like in the spring, I like to target them in the saltwater estuaries this time of year. In California, the best time of year is during the late spring season, typically in April until May. To learn. These are the months when trout are coming out from the winter season and heading to hotter temperatures. Streams and rivers remain cooler than non-moving water found in lakes and ponds. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Guadalupe River, Below Canyon Lake in Texas! In the warm summer months, anglers can look for trout in cooler, deeper waters, or in high mountain lakes that remain cool year-round. Want to Know the Best Time of Day to Fish? Into late spring I like to switch to river fishing as the sea run brookies move upriver starting in May. When the sun is bright, trout do not want to look up at the water’s surface for insects. A higher metabolism means more actively feeding trout. So it becomes a small headache working out Tides & best fishing times in my area. This gives them a tactical advantage over prey items like minnows, sculpin, and insect larvae which cannot see as well in these lower-light time windows. The gears can be as simple and minimalist as it can get. I hope this article clarified a lot of things for you. Trout, however, will feed throughout the night as long as they can locate food. So when’s the best time to fish for trout? This article will go into much greater detail and show you how the best times vary from season to season and from say creeks and rivers to lakes and reservoirs. link to Can Bass See Fishing Line? In the early morning and late afternoon, the sun’s rays are greatly reduced and trout will absolutely feed on insects landing and dabbling at the surface. Time & Conditions Considerations for Fly Fishing. I haven’t had much luck early morning until the air temps warm up in the sunshine. Trout fishing can be even better once the rain starts. Interestingly, a study by Alanärä & Brännäs (2011) that less aggressive trout will consume their dietary needs by feeding at night when more dominant trout are not active. And most importantly, I have caught fish while saving some money. During this time of the year, trout fish are generally in more shallow inshore waters. If you are going to fish for trout at night, fish near the surface and only nights with excellent moonlight shining onto the water. I haven’t had much luck early morning until the air temps warm up in the sunshine. In fact, it can be argued that dry flies will work even better than nymphs in these times of day since the insect activity will be so strong on the surface anyway. To learn which fishing lines are the best for trout fishing, check out this article from a very knowledgable fisherman. Linville River. You really can’t go wrong with either time frame. FreshwaterFishingAdvice is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. If you want excellent lures mailed to you each month, try Mystery Tackle Box. Therefore, the worst time of day for pond trout is midday with the best times being early morning and late afternoon. Once the trout season opens in late April and early May, anglers can start targeting resident brown trout and brook trout in the upper sections of most rivers. If there is strong available moonlight at night and strong insect presence, trout will feed throughout the night to some degree. But brown and rainbow trout just appear to be more active and playful, if you will. Much like the Watauga River, the Linville River is a great trout fishery because … This section will cover how you should fish at each time of day. Early fall, when it’s still quite warm, the best fishing is still at dusk and dawn. Plus, you'll learn about the 2 most common mistakes anglers make [click to continue] Since the water’s still on the cold side, the trout will be most active during the warmest parts of the day. What is the best time of day for trout fishing? The best season to catch trout in is late spring. The second best time of day to catch is the later afternoon from 3 hours before sunset until dusk. While late spring is considered to be the best time to catch trout, they forget summer! A fight with a big trout in the heat of summer is likely to result in its death, even if you’re careful on the release. ), link to Will Salmon Bite at Night? Trout never really stop eating and will feed all day and all night long as long as food is available and can be caught. So this means on sunny days, trout will not hit topwater dry flies but they will definitely feed on the bottom so nymphs and streamers can be really good. The trout do slow their feeding down in the middle of the day this time of year though. Nighttime fishing is pretty lousy in the fall for most fishermen. When I’ve been fishing for trout or kokanee I’ve had the best results in the morning (dawn until about 11 am) and the late afternoon (2 pm until 6 pm). I am a current member and I love my subscription. A Stream Thermometer (Amazon Link) allows you to know the exact water temperature of the specific body of water your fishing. I developed an Excel Spreadsheet using available Tide information, that allows for Tide Time Variance & calculates the best Fishing start times before & after Tide changes. Water levels are quite high in the spring, comprising mostly of snow melt water. There are 7 species of Salmon in North American waterways and they are incredibly valued targets for fishermen. Spring If it’s legal in your area, night time fishing is a great way to target big trout. The best time of day to catch trout is in the morning or afternoons t0o late evening. This time of day really produces good fishing and also seems to have good insect activity. I know this is a bit random, but if you ever wanted to go on a guided or chartered fishing trip in freshwater or saltwater, you should check out Fishing Booker. Trout have very good reduced light vision which allows them to see a better contrast of color in reduced light and better depth perception as well. Many anglers also target river steelhead in the middle of winter where it’s legal. Most people will say that the best night time trout fishing is during the new moon. Trout Fishing in Florida: Tips for Catching Speckled Sea Trout Call them speckled or spotted, trout fishing in Florida is plentiful and can be caught by anglers with any skill level. Late afternoon can be quite good as well. Get the latest up to date fly fishing report for Rainbow Trout fishing in Guadalupe River with the top producing flies and recommended equipment to get you into fish. If it’s hot outside, fish at dawn and dusk. They’re ravenous, and they’re not exceptionally separating about when and where they feed. Swimming and boating may not be at the top of your winter activities, but fishing certainly can be. That’s why you’ll get more bites to come July to September, especially during the height of the trout spawning season. Instead, be prepared to drill countless holes and be packed and ready to relocate at a moment’s notice as trout rarely sit still for long. They have countless listings for such dream destinations as the Florida Keys, Corpus Christi, Great Lakes, San Diego, Central America, Montana, and many more. The good is news is that you don’t need fancy fishing gear to catch a trout. This means regardless of the time of day, trout will be situated in the water they find comfortable and that holds food. Later in spring, early morning and late afternoon is the best time for trout fishing by far. You can also check to see if the temperature is rising or falling as the day progresses. Fishing can be good during the middle of the day and the nighttime as well. 6 Best Soft Plastic Lures and Baits for Trout, 20 Different Fish Species to Fish for in Ottawa, Decent sized rainbow trout caught in PEI brackish…, 13 Underwater Videos of Trout Taking Flies, Lures,…, It's well known how effective soft plastic lures are for…, Ottawa city offers some great fishing. As you get into late fall (Mid-October onwards), the best fishing time slowly shifts to the middle of the day again. Best time: Morning and late afternoon. Summer The variety of species here include splake, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, and brook trout. During the summer, trout will seek out cooler water at whatever depth it is. And most importantly, I have caught fish while saving some money. The first few weeks of summer offers some amazing trout fishing. Hunter points out where our best shot will be, and we head in again. I’ll tell you what fly rods, spinning rods, flies, castable fish finders, and waders you need to be more successful than anyone else on the water. I do know that ice fishing is a productive means of targeting all species of trout in the winter on ponds and lakes. So often during the hot seasons, the trout may swim off and look fine. Many other species of fish (bass come to mind) get more active this time of year, so there’s no shortage of fishing opportunities all year long. The spotted sea trout, an inshore fish more commonly known as speckled sea trout, abounds in Florida waters, waiting to be hooked by beginners and experienced anglers alike. It's one of…, this post shows that brookies are still active. This water takes longer to heat up than it does in other times of the year. As you can see, by fishing only during the middle of the day, you are fish after and before the best fishing times. The best water temperature for trout fishing is temperatures in the ranges of 55 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit. What is the best time of day for trout fishing? I believe the best time of day to catch trout is early morning from dawn until two hours after sunrise. If it’s cold, fish during the middle of the day. I would argue the line is the most important link between you and the fish but just how well can... Will Salmon Bite at Night? That said, trout still don’t like being active during the middle of the day. If it is overcast, cloudy, or rainy, midday can be really good. Lake trout are not true trout so I didn’t factor them in up above with the rest of the trout. I hope this article clarified a lot of things for you. Fishing later in the day gives the water time to warm up, so late morning into mid-afternoon should provide the best results. Midday can be pretty solid and late afternoon is often good too. This site is owned and operated by Eric Matechak. Nighttime trout fishing is generally pretty poor in streams and rivers. Midday can be pretty solid and late afternoon is often good too. Comment below!! 3/4 moons and full moons will produce the most amount of moonlight which allows trout to have the best night vision. Behind bass, panfish, and catfish, trout fishing are the 4th most popular fishing in North America.Trout always put up a good fight, are abundant from sea to shining sea, and are pretty tasty when anglers decide to keep them. If you work, try hitting the water right before or right after work as these tend to be great fishing times when trout bite and people won’t be on the water. In my experience, the best time to fish for trout in the winter is in the early mornings and afternoons. It's true that a lot of stocked trout do get caught the first couple of days, but based on creel surveys and electro-fishing work we've done, we know there are plenty of fish still there for the taking. Say a hatch is happening on a cold spring morning, trout will still feed on these bugs even in a none-prime time of day. The best time of day to catch trout is early morning followed by late afternoon. I have found though that the late afternoon bite seems to be a tad slower on most days than the morning and this is loosely validated by the research I have done. Learning to catch a trout fish can be fun and adventurous at the same time. The ideal fishing window during the summer is from right after sunrise until about 9:00am. We just can’t cover all of Ontario’s best trout and steelhead rivers because there is over 400 rivers and creeks in Ontario. In the hot summer months, the best time to go fishing for trout is early in the mornings when the water temperatures are the coolest. Alanärä, A., & Brännäs, E. (1997). In early fall, early morning is still the best time followed by mid-to-late afternoon. The direct sunlight hurts their eyes, is uncomfortable, and makes it harder to see anything above them in the water column. Trout fishing can really heat up as rain approaches. Not only will it hurt their eyes but it makes seeing prey very hard to do. Selecting the right fishing line can make all the difference for trout fishing. Since the water’s still on the cold side, the trout will be most active during the warmest parts of the day. Later in spring, early morning and late afternoon is the best time for trout fishing by far. Fall is my absolute favourite time of year for trout fishing. Trout are cold water fish that thrive in water rich with dissolved oxygen. Nighttime is the time of day when the least fishermen will be on the water and when trout fishing can be decent enough to justify you fishing. For referring traffic and business to these companies few weeks of summer offers some amazing trout fishing is during new. 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