Thanks to possessing the Shikon Jewel, he was able to weaken her to the point of dying. Onigumo Lyrics: The girls watch me no Versace when im working in the booth / Workin' hard we gon' get it try to make it as a youth / On the street, no one know me yeah you know that's truth / They Naraku offered a human arm with a Shikon no Tama shard embedded in it to allow the mighty demon to steal Tessaiga from Inuyasha and use it to kill him. The manga told us almost nothing about his life before he met the protagonists, but the anime adaptation showed him in a flashback associated with a group of roaming thieves. At the same time Hakudōshi and the Infant had grown tired of him as well and created a golem named Mōryōmaru to house the Infant, to give him proper mobility. Inuyasha became annoyed as they have no way of finding a time of weakness. Naraku eventually learned that Inuyasha had been released from his seal and now journeyed together with Miyatsu's grandson, Miroku. Naraku wanted Miroku dead as well. Naraku said he could control Tenseiga because part of Kanna's mirror, also from his body, coated it. Once he had gained more power during his state of dormancy at Mount Hakurei, Naraku's appearance changed completely. Abilities Failing, he attempted to use his demonic energy to force Kohaku to behead himself. But there was a spot in the cave where no moss or grass would grow....the spot that Onigumo once lay and Naraku was born. Immediately before his death, Naraku stated that the only true wish that he made on the Shikon Jewel was to have Kikyō's heart for himself, but, like all others, the Jewel declined to grant his wish. [4], He sent Kagura to retrieve the Shikon Jewel from Tsubaki after she tricked The Red and White Priestesses into stalling Inuyasha's group. However he couldn't control either of them. Sango's hatred for Naraku grew even more when he revived her dead brother Kohaku, erased his memories, and forced him to commit all sorts of detestable acts, even attacking Sango herself. At the same time, Naraku sent Kohaku and Kanna to a human castle to pass the Infant off as the newborn of the lord and lady. While highly intelligent and cunning, he became too conceited and ostentatious at times, especially when he obtained any new power. By finding the darkness in a person's heart, the Infant could control them by taking hold of it. For some time after the Shikon Jewel was shattered into hundreds of shards, Naraku had gathered most of them; however, for some reason he did not attempt to fuse them together. Meet the Tsuchigumo, creatures with the body of a tiger, limbs of a spider, and the face of a demon. Ross calmly watched Onigumo, who had been shocked out of his mind by him, He stepped forward and followed him directly and punched out, crushing Onigumo’s sword in his left hand. It was dark blue with a purple vest on top. However, his overconfidence proved to be his undoing as Naraku was still linked to him and was aware of Hakudōshi's gloating that he couldn't kill him. While technically Naraku's sixth incarnation, Muso (無双, Musō) is actually Onigumo himself. However, the tables were turned when Kohaku stabbed an arrow into the armored shell that he's protecting the Shikon Jewel with, and Kikyō's purifying light began consuming him. He was extremely agile, and physically very powerful. Cornered because of this, Naraku fed his spirit to the jewel to gain more power, and took on a more horrific appearance - his true face. As he tried regenerating, Naraku withdrew the Saimyōshō, which allowed Miroku to suck him into the Wind Tunnel. After the defeat of Magatsuhi by Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru, Kagome's spiritual powers returned and a small light returned to the once completely corrupted Shikon Jewel. Originally faceless and without memory of his past, Onigumo took the face and name of a wandering monk. Name meaning Following Goshinki's death, Naraku created twin incarnations, Jūrōmaru and Kagerōmaru. Naraku captured Kagome, and promised to let her go if Kohaku gave up his shard. A resurrected person like Kikyō could not enter the barrier either, as it would try to help the souls within her ascend. This left him with only one option to prevent himself from being purified. Kagura questioned him if he was losing his sanity, but he ordered her to clean up his mess instead. He pulled her down by force and revealed that he knew that she had left the castle. Kagome asks what Naraku's true wish was, since it seemed that the jewel had not granted it. However, this was what Naraku wanted; he reabsorbed Musō from their connection and took back his human heart. Kikyō and Naraku in one of his Phantom Castles. Hakudōshi was sent to kill her, but only succeeded in destroying the Mayose tree that was used as a medium for the spell. He retained the ability to create a barrier, along with the ability to regenerate his body on the same level as Naraku as his heart, along with Naraku's still resided in his infant half. However, Kikyō was left on the brink of death and died soon after. In the end, she lost her right arm and left hand, while Tessaiga got its powers back. So Onigumo let demons eat his body to give his soul a new vessel in return, so he could have Kikyo as his wife. A two-horned Tsuchigumo who obtained the power of an Oni. Members: 10. After he saw that Inuyasha valued his companions, Naraku began to destroy Mount Hakurei. After being reduced to just a head and upper torso, Naraku then took on an oni-like appearance and his hair turned white, and he also gained a rib cage on his body. When Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha's group arrived, Naraku informed them that his miasma should have poisoned them by now, but the Shikon Jewel wanted their souls, so they were unaffected. [10], Musō was angered by Naraku's presence and knew that he was the one who slaughtered Kikyō, the woman he wanted for himself. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, Inuyasha proved him wrong by bringing both himself and Sesshōmaru back. I have often heard you humans refer to this as fate or destiny. A powerful sorcerer, Byakuya could control vines, people, dimensions and copy a technique, though only for one time, with his blade-less hilt. Kagome shot Kikyō with her last sacred arrow to purify her, then Naraku used Kōga's shards to corrupt the Jewel as Kikyō planned to purify it. She was a demon of "Void" or nothingness. a voice said. His dead form within the Shikon Jewel was his head and a giant spider web, though it had a more normal appearance. “Damn it!” Onigumo is grinding his teeth and his face showed a grim expression. Close to the end of the story, Naraku gained all Shikon Jewel shards and made the Shikon no Tama whole again which resulted in Naraku fully transforming himself into a spider yōkai shortly before his defeat and death by Inuyasha's hands. He later resurrected Kohaku with a jewel shard and complied with the boy's wish to forget the horrible deeds he was forced to make, which left the boy's heart empty, and ready to be filled with whatever Naraku desired. At the same time, Naraku almost tricked Sango into killing Rin along with an illusion of himself. The Tōkijin was later broken and abandoned, which left Goshinki's desire for revenge unfulfilled. However, Kagome realized the importance of her name and used the bow from Mount Azusa to land a hit on him, which freed Hitomiko's soul from his grasp and allowed her to pass on in peace, but not before she warned Kagome that someone was sealing her true spiritual powers. He remembered that Naraku was his sworn enemy and vowed to destroy him. You're right… If I still had Onigumo's heart, I wouldn't be able to lay a hand on you, Kikyo." It became Naraku's sole occupation to cause as much pain and misery to humans and yōkai alike as possible, such as when he placed the Wind Tunnel curse on Miroku's grandfather, which later passed on to his father and Miroku too, or using a shard of the Shikon Jewel to brainwash Sango's brother Kohaku, forcing him to do his bidding. Naraku could feel her hot breath on his neck, how absolutely intoxicating. His spider mark appears on his back. Onigumo is a tall man with a cold face and eyes that are always semi-closed. However, Naraku disguised as Kikyō, told the villagers that Inuyasha would come for the Shikon no Tama at any cost, thereby forcing Inuyasha to use force to obtain the Jewel. He also had his first encounter with Bankotsu, and informed him of his patience in waiting for Shikon Jewel's reappearance. Using his spider webs, Naraku forced her spirit to linger in her corpse and ordered her to steal Kagome's spiritual power. After that point, Kohaku placed little value on his life. Both Miroku's grandfather and father perished due to the curse of the Wind Tunnel. Kikyo said "Onigumo's heart? Naraku's incarnationsSaimyōshō (Until Kanna's death)Sesshōmaru (Briefly)Kikyo (Briefly, used her to stealling Kagome's Shikon no Tama)Abi (Briefly, used her to gather enough blood to open a path to the Border of the Afterlife, killed and betrayed her)Tekkei (Briefly, killed and betrayed her to open the path to the border of the afterlife)Mimisenri (Briefly, used him to locate the last Shikon shard)Hakushin (Temporary, manipulated his thoughts and used his spiritual powers to create a strong, absolute pure barrier around Mount Hakurei)Shichinintai (Briefly, used them to guard the surroundings of Mount Hakurei, betrayed them)Bankotsu (Loyalty)Kohaku (Temporary, manipulated his mind to use Kohaku like a marionette)Magatsuhi (Briefly, used him to pollute Kohaku's shard)Hitomiko (Briefly, killed her and used her body as a marionette against Kagome) After he succeeded in having Kanna repel the Wind Scar back at Inuyasha, which badly injured him, Naraku made a personal appearance, and showed his nearly complete Shikon jewel to his enemies. However, much to Onigumo's horror, as the newly born Naraku's desire was to kill Kikyo, overwhelming him as he struck Kikyo down. Because of Bakusaiga's decomposing powers, Naraku's large outer body begins to fall apart. In the beginning, both of them sought the Shikon Jewel for the same purpose: become a full blooded demon. Vice-Admiral Onigumo is a soldier in the Navy Forces out of Marineford. Onigumo’s obsession with Kikyo took a wrong turn when he offered his soul to the demons. This resulted with Onigumo being reborn as the half-demon, Naraku. Onigumo; 5 hours ago @MightyDemon82 thanks, i will play control so. There was a hint of ridicule on his face. As a result, he sealed Kagerōmaru inside Jūrōmaru's gut with a mask and shackled the mindless beast Jūrōmaru. Inuyasha and Kagome found her, and Naraku succeeded in corrupting Kagome's heart with jealousy by showing her the parting of Kikyō and Inuyasha 50 years ago. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Relationships 4 Abilities and Powers 5 History 6 Trivia 鬼蜘蛛 (Onigumo) an Isamashi/Brave Attacker. Thinking it would be a fruitless effort, Naraku quickly discovered the weapon was different now as it shattered his body along with his demonic energy. Severely wounded nonetheless, Naraku fled to recover from Kikyō's attack, and was unable to completely banish the ray of light that she had left in the jewel. Indeed, with Inuyasha's attack at this very point, the purity of the Jewel called Naohi annihilates forever the evil corrupting presence within it, then the Jewel's shimmering and voice completely stopped.[16]. However, Naraku knew that the body that he lent to Magatsuhi was destroyed and predicted that the devious spirit would amass demons as a distraction so he could possess Kohaku. Height Above all else, Naraku was power-hungry and self-obsessed, desiring only power and sheer dominance over others. It is due to this that Naraku wants the Shikon Jewel to make himself a true demon, and purge himself of Onigumo's influence. When Kagome freed Kōga from the bottom of his barrier; Naraku planned to absorb Kōga along with his shards. Kagewaki Hitomi It also had a twin brother called Kagerōmaru, who lived in his stomach. All of the interactions Naraku had with Kagome early in the series were merely coincidence because she was the one who held the group's sacred jewel shards. Naraku's eighth detachment, created from the right side of his previous infant form and matured into the form of an older boy. Because Kanna would no longer be of any use to Naraku with her being unable to hold her mirror again, Kagome told Kanna that she was free. Alias He ordered Byakuya to prevent anyone from coming to assist Kohaku. Onigumo's past is a mystery, but it appeared he was a bandit who had been inflicted by severe burn wounds, making him too weak to move. He desired the jewel to purge his half-human self from his body, and enhance his strength even further. After he learned the truth, Kōga vowed from then on to destroy Naraku and Kagura to avenge his fallen comrades. However, Onigumo has no recollection of his past and though a mass-murder spree could help him remember. Paul Dobson Voice Actors After he escaped to the outside, Naraku confronted Kikyō. As Kanna was unfit for combat uses, Naraku created his second detachment, the wind sorceress, Kagura. The Infant tried having Mōryōmaru swallow Naraku and the Shikon no Tama in order to increase his strength; however, it backfired as Naraku counter-absorbed both Mōryōmaru and him. Naraku tried taking Kōga's shards by threatening the lives of his fellow Wolf demons, but lost a shard that he had Byakuya lend to a young wolf demon that they had manipulated, to Mōryōmaru. Directed by Yasunao Aoki. Naraku had a cowardly streak too, and often fled from a battle when his foes had turned the tables on him. However, as he died fighting InuYasha and company, Naraku realized that Onigumo's desire was truly his own after learning that Shikon Jewel didn't make him a full demon as he intended it to be. That news greatly disturbed Inuyasha. Status Naraku saw no use for him anymore and disabled his barrier when he took Kagura hostage, which allowed him to be blown to bits. Naraku had ordered her to retrieve the shard from his corpse.[14]. Inuyasha tried swallowing him and the jewel in a Meidō Zangetsuha attack, but Naraku fused with the jewel and created web-like tentacles that fastened him to his body. Naraku gifted him with the Fuyōheki to hide his demonic energy from their enemies. No egg freezing No hatchling freezing No releasing No breeding with other lineages Progenitor. Naraku said as he walks up to Kikyo and reaches his hand out "Even if your existence is artificial." This result forced him to swallow Sesshōmaru into his severed flesh. She also served as caretaker to the Infant until Hakudōshi's creation. Having fully assimilated Mōryōmaru into his body, Naraku shielded the Infant with diamonds. Eventually with Kagura watching on Naraku's order, Muso ventures to Kikyo's former village and regains his memories of Onigumo and desires for Kikyo. In the end, the obsession with the Jewel’s power overrode that for Kikyo and he ended up killing Kikyo instead. If Inuyasha fled from Kagome, Naraku wanted her life snuffed out, but either result was favorable. However, Kikyō arrived at that moment and destroyed his demon puppet, and left him unable to see the results of the battle. But despite it all, Onigumo's human soul made Naraku a half-demon with Onigumo's feelings for Kikyo, which is symbolized by spider mark on his back. Weight Kohaku still acted as if he had no memory and was under Naraku's control, but he completely despised him. Naraku succeed in purging "Onigumo" from his body, in the form of a faceless man. Using the nearly restored jewel's magic, Naraku gained the ability to create incarnations of himself from his body. After he set a trap for Kikyō, Naraku succeeded in capturing her in his webs and hid Kikyō in a shrine. Naraku gloated that he would never die and fled once more. It possessed more intense negative feelings, and these could prevent purification by bringing darkness to the Shikon Jewel. ShapeshiftingFlightCreating incarnations out of his own fleshBody RegenerationBody modificationMind control/manipulationCurse spellcaster His title or alias literal meaning of As Kagura could not, Naraku had Kanna, who was unaffected by the barrier, and Kohaku relay his orders. His fighting technique is very useful against bosses. 87 kg Naraku, who was watching the event, tells Kagura to tell Inuyasha where Muso went. Hakudōshi began plotting to overthrow Naraku along with his other self when they created Mōryōmaru to protect him. Weird things about the name Onigumo: The name spelled backwards is Omugino. He gave Abi a trident that was made of his bones that could erect a barrier and create miasma, in exchange for helping collect human blood to dilute the poison of a venomous demon that Tekkei had ingested. When asked by Byakuya what he would do with the jewel, Naraku admitted that he had no real plans for it and wondered what would be left for him when he killed all the people who had hated him. After Goshinki's defeat, Sesshōmaru contracted Kaijinbō to create Tōkijin from the fangs of his head once it was resurrected. Both brothers injured him even further, which forced Naraku to flee from his castle. English TV Chapter 557, page 13. He chained her up in the dungeon as punishment. Naraku frequently tried to get rid of his human emotions under the belief that they only held him back. Movie Debut It stole Tessaiga's powers, which were then used against Inuyasha himself. He first created a demon that represented the Void, and named her Kanna. In one other way the two half-demons paralleled one another: Inuyasha was born a from the union of his human mother and demon father, whereas Naraku was created by many demons fusing with a human host. Physical information When Naraku first appeared personally in the series, he wore a white baboon cloak-like outfit that hid his face. Toshiyuki Morikawa Family Sesshōmaru had lost his left arm in a fight with Inuyasha by that point. Loyalty Naraku created Byakuya of the Dreams during this time, who was meant to replace his four missing minions: Kagura, Hakudōshi, Kohaku, and the Infant. After Kikyō's death, the spike was discarded and his current form became a simpler version of his post-Mount Hakurei outfit, Naraku gained dark spikes arching over his shoulders. Naraku recalled his minions, and placed the Infant in Kanna's care. He then started to use her as a way of manipulating Inuyasha, most of the time in a way similar to the way that he tricked Kikyō and Inuyasha 50 years ago, such as when he had Tsubaki place a curse on Kagome so she could shoot Inuyasha with an arrow. He attempted to kill her, but was driven off by her spiritual power. He later embedded two Shikon no Tama shards in Rōyakan, forced him to attack the injured Inuyasha, and steal his Shikon no Tama shards. Naraku, who desired both the Jewel of Four Souls and Kikyō, thought that she would use the Jewel to heal herself, but he miscalculated as she instead requested Kaede to cremate the Jewel along with her dying body, so that it would be taken to the afterlife with her. Very beautiful view, travel destination. He recognized that Kikyou had lost any semblance of a poker face, she was clearly shocked by his actions and tried to pull her hand back but he only gripped it tighter. However, he was prevented from doing so thanks to Inuyasha. However, with the absorption of Mōryōmaru and the possession of the near-complete Shikon Jewel, Naraku was now powerful enough to face almost any opponent on even terms. Hair color Hakurei, Naraku no longer had to become human at any time. "I heard a voice at that moment." Naraku had the freedom of choosing that time, unlike Inuyasha, due to having been created by a merging of a human and several demons; since he was made up of thousands of demons. You can simply massage your face with some fresh onion juice or prepare an onion face pack to fight off the acne-causing bacteria efficiently. After he saw that he wasn't recovering, Naraku was forced to flee for his life. Inuyasha used the Meidō Zangetsuha to definitely send his body to Hell, but his spirit remained with an energy wave and the miasma. [10], With Onigumo's heart gone, Naraku paid a visit to Kikyō and strangled her before gloating that he could do as he pleased. As the series progressed, Kikyō took many different stances against Naraku, first by convincing Inuyasha that Naraku would never be able to kill her, because Onigumo's heart still beat within him. He sent demons to rescue Kagura after Kōga had regained his shards and Inuyasha sent the Wind Scar at her. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Onigumo was not present. He attempted to poison them all to death, but Kagome purified his Miasma and destroyed all but his head with a sacred arrow. However, Naraku decided to play with his feelings by revealing Kikyō had been revived. Doing so, Naraku became stronger, much like a full demon; although he was still a hanyō. He crushed her heart, and made Kanna and the Mirror Demon explode in an attempt to kill Inuyasha's group. In her last battle, Kanna was shattered along with her Mirror Demon in Naraku's hopes of taking Inuyasha's group with her; it failed. The increase of his demonic power also made Naraku more arrogant. His nose was burnt off, as well as his lip in the manga. Naraku's seventh detachment served as the container of Naraku's life-force. Gender Naraku made a boy named Kohaku slay his father and comrades, while injuring his sister, Sango and the guards killed him. Naraku then possessed the young lord Kagewaki Hitomi, and kept that form for the rest of the series. Naraku desired the Shikon no Tama, a jewel that would be able to grant him near-invincibility should he acquire all the pieces of it. Upon his return to the living world, Naraku discovered that an arrow that was fired by Kagome had pierced Hakudōshi and destroyed his barrier; only Kikyō possessed the spiritual power strong enough to break his barriers. After he taunted Mōryōmaru about his shell, referred to it as a castle, and to the Infant as a king who had grown fat inside of it, Naraku at first appeared to be trying to reabsorb him through failed attempts to break through his armor. Naraku was the very cause of Miroku's Wind Tunnel, having cursed his grandfather, Miyatsu 50 years ago. Posing as Kagewaki Hitomi while using a puppet to pose as himself as an adviser who was well-versed about demons, Naraku lured the best of the Demon slayers from their village to leave it vulnerable to yōkai wishing for revenge. “Damn it!” Onigumo is grinding his teeth and his face showed a grim expression. Aragog Onigumo Kankra Onigumo 1st Generation (3) unnamed Onigumo unnamed Onigumo unnamed Onigumo 2nd Generation (3) unnamed Onigumo In truth, he was Onigumo reincarnated and expelled by Naraku so he could kill Kikyō. She lived the longest of Naraku's detachments. Sometimes, she served as the commander of an army of demons under Naraku's control. Onigumo killed the priest and took not only his "beautiful face", but his name as well. Kikyō stole the shards from Kagome and gave them to Naraku. Even in death, Kikyō was proving to be bothersome to him. While in this form, he was composed of his head attached to countless random demon parts. Naraku later appeared before Kagura, and offered her heart back to her as a reward for helping eliminate Hakudōshi. Hakurei and gave Kagome a sacred arrow. It told how he tricked his bandit leader, Rasetsu, into approaching Kikyō and attempting to obtain the Shikon no Tama, or Jewel of Four Souls. In leadership interrupted by Inuyasha, who was full of deceit onigumo real face for! Of killing the others first appeared personally in the world of the battle had grown tired of past! Killed him and used the Bakusaiga on him detachments, this attempt was killed... To overthrow Naraku along with his shards form, he ordered her his. Became too conceited and ostentatious at times, especially when he fused with the jewel! Decided not to tell him about Inuyasha becoming mortal on the brink of death and died soon after Kikyō... Harbor the most respect for Sesshōmaru of all his opponents met several variations of his traditional humanoid form came. 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