Broussais had done much to destroy the notion of fever as an entity, but by extravagances in other directions he had discredited the value of his main propositions. Thus the notion of natural unregulated egoism turns out to be a psychological chimera. Berzelius early in the 19th century had advanced the hypothesis that chemical combination was due to electric attractions between the electric charges carried by chemical atoms. From broken remarks about Natasha and his father, from the emotion with which Pierre spoke of that dead father, and from the careful, reverent tenderness with which Natasha spoke of him, the boy, who was only just beginning to guess what love is, derived the notion that his father had loved Natasha and when dying had left her to his friend. The notion that the Arab invaders were welcomed and assisted by the Copts, driven to desperation by the persecution of Cyrus, appears to be refuted by the fact that the invaders treated both Copts and Romans with the same ruthlessness; but the dissensions which prevailed in the Christian communities, leading to riots and even civil war in Alexandria and elsewhere, probably weakened resistance to the common enemy. Under the influence of the intermittent trade-winds Lake Nicaragua rises and falls regularly, whence the popular notion that it was a tidal lake. And Epicurus assures us that he means by pleasure what plain men mean by it; and that if the gratifications of appetite and sense are discarded, the notion is emptied of its significance. wide design. The notion of serfdom is distinct from those of freedom and of slavery. She shook her head and the motion brought on a dizzy spell. The notion of a twenty-seven-fold division of the zodiac was deeply rooted in Hindu tradition. Examples of Notion in a sentence. For Merleau-Ponty, it is often the work of artists that performs something analogous to his notion of the reduction. The very notion of relation between mind and things leads at once to the counter notion of the absolute restriction of mind to its own subjective nature. Applying this notion to benzene, let us consider the impacts made by the carbon atom (I) which we will assume to be doubly linked to the carbon atom (2) and singly linked to (6), h standing for the hydrogen atom. It is a speech-andthought-form (Xoyos) in which certain matters being posited something other than the matters posited necessarily results because of them, and, though it still needs to receive a deeper meaning when presumed truth gives way to necessary truth of premises, the notion of the class to that of the class-concept, collective fact to universal law, its formal claim is manifest. , Because I was concerned about the homeless during the snowstorm, I had a notion to pass out blankets in the town square. Rejecting the old notion that plants derive their nourishment from humus, he taught that they get carbon and nitrogen from the carbon dioxide and ammonia present in the atmosphere, these compounds being returned by them to the atmosphere by the processes of putrefaction and fermentation - which latter he regarded as essentially chemical in nature - while their potash, soda, lime, sulphur, phosphorus, &c., come from the soil. And, therefore, finding on reflection any particular concrete factor contingent, we abstract the position from that which occupies it, and so reach the speculative notion of the pure Ego. You do not have to pay any extra penny for this at all. an object or notion with qualities contradictory of the organized; but the mere sublation of the organized does not posit it, or suppose that it is known beforehand, or that anything exists corresponding to it. The definition of a notion is an idea, belief or vague knowledge of something. The notion that individuals can radiate coherence in the environment is a documented phenomenon. He deems all non-theological science to be vain or hurtful, has no notion of progress, and regards true science - i.e. He rejected the notion that the sacrament of the altar was a constantly renewed sacrifice, and held it to be merely a commemoration of the one sacrifice of Christ. Examples of Notation in a sentence. This latter is never Pleasure simply, but always Preservation - though on occasion he enlarges the notion of " preservation " into " preservation of life so as not to be weary of it.". He rejected any notion that the Red Platform is ' the problem ' in the CPGB. By Wilhelm Ostwald especially, attempts have been made to substitute the notion of atoms and molecular structure by less hypothetical conceptions; these ideas may some day receive thorough confirmation, and when this occurs science will receive a striking impetus. synonyms. We may then completely dismiss the notion of there being any studied secrecy in connexion with the early Christian cemeteries, and proceed to inquire into the mode of their formation. Spinoza could draw upon him for the notion of genetic definition. Thirdly, on the grounds that logical thinking adds the notion of substance, as substrate, to experience of the physical, but not of the psychical, and that the most proper being of mind is will, he concludes that wills are not active substances, but substance-generating activities (" nicht thatige Substanzen sondern substanzerzeugende Thdtigkeiten," System, 429) What kind of metaphysics, then, follows from this compound of psychology and epistemology? Par exemple, on dira "une petit e fille". Hence we find that later thinkers of the Cyrenaic school felt themselves compelled to change their fundamental notion; thus Theodorus defined the good as" gladness " (Xapa) depending on wisdom, as distinct from mere pleasure, while Hegesias proclaimed that happiness was unattainable, and that the chief function of wisdom was to render life painless by producing indifference to all things that give pleasure. A notion is basically an idea. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. c p louds, u above the trrees, l a sort of Erl-Konig h o carries off children; Faknik, in the rocks by the sea, who raises storms. The notion of such a crackdown has alarmed some civil libertarians. Further, as a theory of creation, it makes creation a necessity, and destroys the notion of the divine. Sentence examples for under the notion from inspiring English sources. The connexion of ethics with metaphysics will be patent as a matter of fact, if it be remembered how Plato's philosophy is summed up in the idea of the good, and how Aristotle also employs the essentially ethical notion of end as the ultimate category by which the universe may be explained or reduced to unity. Heating spirits of hartshorn, he was able to collect "alkaline air" (gaseous ammonia), again because he was using mercury in his pneumatic trough; then, trying what would happen if he passed electric sparks through the gas, he decomposed it into nitrogen and hydrogen, and "having a notion" that mixed with hydrochloric acid gas it would produce a "neutral air," perhaps much the same as common air, he synthesized sal ammoniac. View Notion usage in sample sentences - Page 2. RELATED ( 20 ) wide assumption. This is merely another way of perpetuating the mistake of allowing the notion of determination by an other or a preceding to continue to dominate us in a region where we have in reality passed from it to the notion of determination by self or by self-acknowledged ideals. Translations in context of "PRECISE NOTION" in english-german. They stretch away as far as the eye can reach in every direction, making it difficult even for the visitor to conceive their size. deconstruction of the notion of Englishness and its related ideological fictions. How to use notion in a sentence. We may observe, too, that the notion of freedom connects ethics with jurisprudence in a simple and striking manner. He quotes as an instance that Newton in this way added to the planetary appearances contained in Kepler's laws the gravitation of the planets to the sun, as a notion of causality not contained in the appearances, and thus discovered that gravitation is the cause of the appearances. defeatist notion that the socialist ratchet was irreversible. under the design. Christianity inherited the notion of a written divine code acknowledged as such by the " true Israel " - now potentially including the whole of mankind, or at least the chosen of all nations, - on the sincere acceptance of which the Christian's share of the divine promises to Israel depended. It is only in Hume that we have definitely and completely the evolution of the individualist notion as groundwork of a theory of knowledge; and it is in his writings, therefore, that we may expect to find the fundamental difficulty of that notion clearly apparent. In order to accommodate chancy causation, Lewis (1986c) defines a more general notion of causal dependence in terms of chancy causation, Lewis (1986c) defines a more general notion of causal dependence in terms of chancy counterfactuals. (b) There will be a strong tendency to fortify that which has been written with great names, especially in days when there is no very clear notion of literary property. In honour of the former, the Durga-puja is celebrated ' This notion not improbably took its origin in the mystic cos - mogonic hymn, Rigv. But it is to be recollected that, according to Hume, an idea is actually a representation or individual picture, not a notion or even a schema, and that he never claims to be able to extract the predicate of a geometrical judgment by analysis of the subject. Let’s get started with the tutorial . consort playing by the leisured classes did not particularly advance the notion of the viol as an instrument of virtuosity. By a species of inspiration this man, hitherto a ne'er-dowell, conceived the notion of restoring the place to order. The notion that aid can alleviate systemic poverty, and has done so, is a myth. The problem thus arises, Can we form a consistent notion of such a connecting medium? In Notion, create a vocab definition database for reference. 29 a no notion of arrangement, no measure of proportion, and no criterion of discrimination between the important and the trivial; they are equally destitute of critical and of historical insight, unable to sift the authorities on which they rely, and unsuspicious of the stupendous social revolution comprised within the period which they undertake to describe. She had some notion that this would be her last chance. explicateo will allow us to concentrate on explicating the notion of a RMC. Above all, he is continuously under the influence of the individualist notion which he had done so much to explode. Answers to this question tended to be weak as very few candidates discussed or even mentioned the notion of agent causation. under the understanding. And we have hence the notion of a curve of a given order, viz. They were not esthetic in nature nor premised on the notion of political centrality to the American tradition. Williamson showed how alcohol and ether were to be regarded as derived from water by substituting one or both hydrogen atoms by the ethyl group; he derived acids and the acid anhydrides from the same type; and from a comparison of many inorganic and the simple organic compounds he concluded that this notion of a " water-type " clarified, in no small measure, the conception of the structure of compounds. A notion related to that of infinitesimals is presented in the Greek " method of exhaustion "; the more perfect conception, however, only dates from the 17th century, when it led to the infinitesimal calculus. The notion that suicides increase during the holidays is widespread. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Tait he wrote The Unseen Universe, at first published anonymously, which was intended to combat the common notion of the incompatibility of science and religion. His free use of relating concepts, that of sameness, for instance, bears no impress of his theory of the general notion, and it is possible to put out of sight the fact that, taken in conjunction with his nominalism, it raises the whole issue of the possibility of the equivocal generation of formative principles from the given contents of the individual consciousness, in any manipulation of which they are already implied. Lv 7. The notion of holding land of the king became more prominent than the notion of personal service done to the king; but, as the land was held by the tenure of personal service, the actual relation hardly changed. He urges that the notion of " good 1 on the whole " is one which only a reasoning being can form, involving as it does abstraction from the objects of all particular desires, and comparison of past and future with present feelings; and maintains that it is a contradiction to suppose a rational being to have the notion of its Good on the Whole without a desire for it, and that such a desire must naturally regulate all particular appetites and passions. applauded the notion of the club from the very first. The Christian on the contrary maintained that God is known to us as far as need be in Christ, and He is accessible to all. After he had educated himself by the study of the phenomena of lines of magnetic force in his discoveries on electromagnetic induction, he applied the same conception to electrostatic phenomena, and thus created the notion of lines of electrostatic force and of the important function of the dielectric or non-conductor in sustaining them. → Vocabulary → Use Anki or toggles in Notion → prompt yourself to write a full sentence that includes the word rather than simply memorizing definitions. In the stage, however, of his process in which he is concerned with the notion are to be found concept, judgment, syllogism. Temperantia " retains the meaning of " observance of due measure " in all conduct, which it had in Cicero's treatise; though its notion is partly modified by being blended with the newer virtue of humility. baulky balk at the notion that they should apologize, preferring instead to embrace Freeman and all that she stands for. At first, she resisted the notion of needing therapy, mainly believing that she could work on her own problems, but also because “[It] has such a negative connotation around it. Faraday's mind, however, revolted against this notion; he felt intuitively that these distance actions must be the result of unseen operations in the interposed medium. 18043 I had no notion that you were coming. formal notion in a sentence - Use "formal notion" in a sentence 1. She looked him over, silently dismissing any notion that this creature spent much time in the mortal world. Both appear first in the 15th century, probably as results of the war for the Toggenburg inheritance (1436-50); for the intense hatred of Austria, greatly increased by her support of the claims of Zurich, favoured the circulation of stories which assumed that Swiss freedom was of immemorial antiquity, while, as the war was largely a struggle between the civic and rural elements in the Confederation, the notion that the (rural) Schwyzers were of Scandinavian descent at once separated them from and raised them above the German inhabitants of the towns. On what doctrine of man or theory of consciousness can we render intelligible the notion of an afterlife in heaven? If self is actually so given, we do not need the principle of causality to infer it; if it is not so given, causality could never give us either the notion or the fact of self as a cause or force, far less as an ultimate one. The dogmatic or individualist conception of experience had thus proved itself inadequate to the solution of Hume's difficulty regarding the notion of cause, - a difficulty which Kant, erroneously, had thought to be the only case contemplated by his predecessor. The focus of the parabola was discovered by Pappus, who also introduced the notion of the directrix. Another word for notion. They regarded with as much suspicion the notion of a "peculiar. For me, it's finally a … Notion example sentences Similarly when we ask questions such as why people are different, how they make different meaning of events, and how they feel and react differently in similar situations (i.e. Captain Harry only laughs at the notion … It is hard to convey a just notion of the size of these farms. eccentricity less than unity: this involves the notion of one directrix and one focus; (2) the ellipse is the locus of a point the sum of whose distances from two fixed points is constant: this involves the notion of two foci. Causality might tell us that a cause there is of sensation somewhere and of some sort; but that this cause is a force or sum of forces, existing in space, independently of us, and corresponding to our sensations, it could never tell us, for the simple reason that such a notion is not supposed to exist in our consciousness. antiquated notion of patients being treated in the NHS. A: Sometimes a great notion came over the big Chief to body slam nurse Crotchett. For what reason this volume may differ from case to case lies close at hand; in connexion with the notion of negative and positive atoms, like chlorine and hydrogen, experience tends to show that the former, as well as the latter, have a mutual repulsive power, but the former acts on the latter in the opposite sense; the necessary consequence is that, when those negative and positive groups are distributed in the molecule, its volume will be smaller than if the negative elements are heaped together. antonyms. (It is fair to say that these views were published in one of his later works.) This is Spinoza's theory of the infinitely infinite," the limiting notion of infinity being of a numerical, quantitative series, each term of which is a qualitative determination itself quantitatively little, e.g. Lond. From this separation arise all the difficulties in the effort to develop the notion systematically, and in tracing the history of Kant's philosophical progress we are able to discern the gradual perception on his part that here was to be found the ultimate cause of the perplexities which became apparent in considering the subordinate doctrines of the system. The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical: 9. See more. If Strabo and Herodotus and Pomponius Mela, for example, describe a custom, rite or strange notion in the Old World, and if mariners and missionaries find the same notion or custom or rite in Polynesia or Australia or Kamchatka, we can scarcely doubt the truth of the reports. In 1847 Michael Nairn conceived the notion of utilizing the fibre of cork and oil-paint in such a way as to produce a floor-covering more lasting than carpet and yet capable of taking a pattern. An important notion in the theory of linear operators in general is that of MacMahon's multilinear operator (" Theory of a Multilinear partial Differential Operator with Applications to the Theories of Invariants and Reciprocants," Proc. The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years: 12. Hence arose a notion in Ireland that nothing was to be expected from a British parliament, and hence began a movement for the repeal of the union which had been accomplished in 1801. The principle of purity, again, " that the lower parts of our nature ought to be subject to the higher," merely particularizes that supremacy of reason over non-rational impulses which is involved in the very notion of reasoned morality. This, however, destroys the appropriateness of the phrases major and minor term which are specially chosen because in fact the major term does imply the more comprehensive notion. "Every sensation," says Professor James, "presents itself as an indivisible unit; and it is quite impossible to read any clear meaning into the notion that they are masses of units combined.". in a sentence - 27. page 2 Lists. Halley only communicated to Newton the fact " that Hooke had some pretensions to the invention of the rule for the decrease of gravity being reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the centre," acknowledging at the same time that, though Newton had the notion from him, " yet the demonstration of the curves generated thereby belonged wholly to Newton.". His general physiology was essentially founded upon the Hippocratic theory of the four elements, with which he combined the notion of spirit (pneuma) penetrating all parts, and mingled with the humours in different proportions. questions relating to variations in behaviour), the notion of personality comes into play. Whatever passed between them, Andre had never trusted the deity. Instead he mulled over the notion that Death had sought out Rhyn. formalize, few attempts have been made at formalizing the notion of limited resources in process algebras for mobility and distribution. Explain how this notion is used to respond to the Sorites paradox. True or scientific knowledge then must be general knowledge, relating, not to individuals primarily, but to the general facts or qualities which individuals exemplify; in fact, our notion of an individual, when examined, is found to be an aggregate of such general qualities. What does notion mean? Log in Ask Question. ), he follows the prevalent notion of the later Jews, at least in so far as he makes the function of the prophet that of purely mechanical reproduction; cf. Dambisa Moyo We have only the evidence of this passage for Simon having adopted the notion. Their father as well had been a distant acquaintance to the elusive deity. Find more ways to say notions, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find more ways to say notion, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It provides a powerful challenge to the notion of German collective guilt. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The whole notion has been proved mistaken. 2 It is possible also to explain the alleged absence of reference to the notion entertained by many writers of later time that the Areopagitic council was instituted by Solon - a notion partly explained also by the desire of political thinkers to ascribe to Solon the making of a complete constitution. For I mean not that use which one science hath of another for ornament or help in practice; but I mean it directly of that use by way of supply of light and information, which the particulars and instances of one science do yield and present for the framing or correcting of the axioms of another science in their very truth and notion.". Augustine's which helped to build western culture was the notion of the person. The meteoric occurrence has even suggested the fanciful notion that all diamonds were originally derived from meteorites. Examples of notion of morality in a sentence, how to use it. Hence, even if the notion of law had been more prominent than it was in ancient ethical thought, it could never have led to a juridical, as distinct from a philosophical, treatment of morality. (31) She had no notion what he meant. That's psychology... Backtracking A fundamental feature of regular expression matching involves the notion called backtracking A fundamental feature of regular expression matching involves the notion called backtracking. His notion of duty - at once a loyal and chivalrous one was that he was obliged to give the queen the best of his advice, but that the final decision in any course lay with her, and that once she had decided, he was bound, whatever might be his own opinion, to stand up for her decision in public. It was no doubt very largely political, a part of his plan for the general renaissance of Roman life, which was to centre no longer round the abstract notion of the state, but round the persons Imperial of an imperial house. In mechanics, he made many researches, substituting the notion of the continuity of geometrical displacements for the principle of the continuity of matter. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. 2 Probably, if we leave out of sight the very numerous and obvious cases in which fasting, originally the natural reflex result of grief, fear or other strong emotion, has come to be the usual conventional symbol of these, we shall find that the practice is generally resorted to, either as a means of somehow exalting the higher faculties at the expense of the lower, or as an act of homage to some object of worship. Where to buy: You can find a variety of notions to suit your needs at your local quilt and fabric stores or through a … In a memoir presented to the Academy in 1777, but not published till 1782, he assigned to dephlogisticated air the name oxygen, or "acidproducer," on the supposition that all acids were formed by its union with a simple, usually non-metallic, body; and having verified this notion for phosphorus, sulphur, charcoal, &c., and even extended it to the vegetable acids, he naturally asked himself what was formed by the combustion of "inflammable air" (hydrogen). Instead to embrace Freeman and all that she originally came from Poland: 11 came from:. The student council race expression, viz person, place, thing, quality, etc fundamental. Vague or imperfect conception or impression of something known, thought, or else the impossible of! Various sources to reflect current and historial usage systemic poverty, and this page shows no of globalization whimsy a... 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