Sadow recalled the battered remnants of his fleet, and immediately attacked when the enemy ships arrived. Here is my opinion of how some Star Wars characters are underrated. It's binding. As she watched the destruction of Sadow's blockade and her ships in pursuit of the Sith Lord, Empress Teta mistakenly believed that Sadow had to have been killed, and ordered her fleet back to Republic space. Species Sadow was able to wield his greatest alchemical power on his Derriphan-class battleship, the Corsair,[43] which had an array of crystals in a platform on the bridge. [18], As his fleet departed, Sadow retired in his meditation sphere[18] to the Primus Goluud system,[19] where he began working on conjuring his illusions. [28] Additionally, Star Wars Insider 26 places Sadow's defeat and flight to Yavin 4 at 4990 BBY,[45] although later sources changed that date to 5000 BBY.[2]. [17], Over objections from Gav Daragon, Sadow intended to leave Sith Space undefended and toss his entire strength at the Republic. Eye color 600 years later the fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd arrived on Yavin 4, awakening Sadow from his slumber. [28] Guided by the spirit of Freedon Nadd—who had become a powerful Sith Lord himself— and fascinated by forbidden dark side knowledge Kun followed Sadow's trail to Yavin 4, finding his ancient temples and the descendants of his Massassi slaves, who had devolved into mutated primitives. [4], As was the custom of Sith Lords at the time, Sadow set about building his own personal army, but typically unorthodox as he was, Sadow absorbed outside cultures into his service instead of drawing his forces exclusively from his enslaved population. [31] The Omen's sister ship, the Harbinger, also survived the disaster at Phaegon III, only to emerge almost five thousand years later after traveling through an unstable hyperspace tunnel. [37] Although Sadow's Korriban tomb did not contain his remains, Sadow constructed droid sentries to protect its inner chambers, guarding among other things an ancient Dashade warrior known as Khem Val, who lived in stasis within the crypt's walls for centuries after being placed there by the Sith Lord Tulak Hord. The junior novelization may not mention Naga Sadow's first name, but it's safe to assume it's referencing him. Facing off on the threshold of Ragnos' tomb, the two Sith Lords dueled with Force-imbued blades, as it quickly became apparent that this would be a fight to the death. [1] As many other Sadow depictions are truer to his original comic appearance,[30][2] this article treats his original appearance as being correct. Sadow was an heir to this legacy, being born with both Human and Sith blood,[1] and while he retained some Sith features, including red skin[4] and tentacles on his face,[6] he boasted one of the purest Jedi lineages in the Sith Empire. [42] In the end, however, Sadow's overconfidence wound up being his downfall, and he felt shamed by his loss of glory when forced into exile at the end of the Great Hyperspace War. [25][30][37] Before the release of the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, IGN reported that the game's Sith Emperor was Naga Sadow,[47] but subsequent sources confirmed that the Sith Emperor was not Sadow, but rather a Sith Lord from his Empire who avoided participation in the Great Hyperspace War. 1.88 meters[1] Naga Sadow has a long and illustrious history detailed in the Star Wars comics, but those are considered "Legends" and not technically canon. Naga Sadow constructing the temples on Yavin 4 that would outlive him by millennia. [35] The Sith Lord-turned-Jedi Knight Revan twice entered Sadow's tomb to find the Star Map,[36] while in 3951 BBY his close friend Meetra Surik tried to enter the tomb as well but found its entrance blocked by fallen rocks. Sadow often employed telekinesis while in single combat, pausing his sword strikes to pelt his opponent with stones using the Force. [40], A visionary, Naga Sadow was possessed of a driving ambition that led him not only to crave the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, but to dream of piercing the Stygian Caldera and bringing the splendor of the Sith Empire to the entire galaxy. Under the forces of Empress Teta, the Republic followed Sadow to his Empire, in an attempt to destroy the remaining Sith, once and for all. As the Sadow and Kressh pondered the dead Dark Lord's words, they were interrupted by an unexpected sight: a starship of unknown origin descending into the Valley of the Dark Lords. Sadow appears in a flashback to the end of his unsuccessful war on the Republic,[28] a story that would later receive its own story arcs, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith and Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire, both written by Anderson, where Sadow appears as a main character. With his magic, Sadow could transform the living into monstrous, brutal beasts, his own malformed servants of death—[23] and, it was said, to give flesh to those spirits already departed. At long last, the planet Korriban, has been restored to Star Wars canon. [23] Even his loyalest servants, the Massassi, existed only to defend him and pay him tribute, and he felt no remorse for twisting them into mindless beasts. Unfortunately, Sadow's campaign against the Galactic Republic proved disastrous for the Sith. [19], A brilliant strategist, Sadow's strengths lied not in direct confrontation, but in his mastery of the ability to intuit where his foe was weakest and then strike precisely and devastatingly. Around 3643 BBY, a Sith acolyte managed to breach the tomb and acquire the Star Map, with the help of the freed Khem Val. Sensing promise in Daragon, Sadow took him under his wing as an apprentice and began to teach the young man Sith magic. Naga Sadow has a long and illustrious history detailed in the Star Wars comics, but those are considered "Legends" and not technically canon. Sadow's attack on the Republic, and his daring escape from pursuit at Korriban, would in turn inspire subsequent generations of Sith,[28] including future Dark Lord of the Sith[2] Exar Kun, who learned Sadow's tale from Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas' holocron while still a Jedi Padawan. Sidious guarded this knowledge tightly, but found himself sorely tempted to include some of Sadow's work in The Creation of Monsters, the third volume of Sidious' Dark Side Compendium. [19], Sadow's grab for the Republic was falling apart, and as Empress Teta's forces reaffirmed their claim to the Koros system, the Empress herself, along with Jori Daragon, followed Gav's hyperspace trail to Primus Goluud. Dismissive of Kressh's "prattle," Sadow ordered Daragon to press a button on a nearby control panel, promising it would block Kressh's transmission. To his shock, yet another fleet soon emerged from hyperspace: Empress Teta and her ships from the Koros system, which had followed his trail from Primus Goluud. [44], Naga Sadow with a more Human-like appearance in The New Essential Guide to Characters, Naga Sadow first appeared in the opening scene of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith, a story arc in the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic book series, written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson and released in 1994. General Rules Character Creation Character Ranks Roleplay Rules Codex Rules Factory Rules. [24] Sadow also experimented on other creatures, including a larval space slug that had attached itself to the Corsair en route to Yavin 4. Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith's account of Sadow's backstory was heavily revised by the later comics: originally, Sadow was a Sith sorcerer and member of an elite priesthood of pure Sith blood who fled to Yavin 4 after being banished from the Sith Empire for rebelling against the ruling Dark Lord and being branded a criminal by the Republic, and although he is pursued by Republic gunships, there is no mention that Sadow actually led a war against the galactic government. Died 1 Biography 1.1 Great Hyperspace War 1.2 Legacy 2 Appearances A Sith Lord, Naga Sadow lived thousands of years prior to the time that Ulic Qel-Droma lived in. Now the undisputed ruler of the Sith Empire, Sadow allowed one of the alien travelers, Jori, to return home in feigned earnest; he was in truth allowing the girl to unwittingly lead his forces directly to the Republic. As Sadow watched from his secret fortress on Khar Shian, a Sith soldier loyal to Sadow snuck into the Daragons' ship and stole a pair of Republic blasters. With Kressh seemingly out of the picture, Sadow gathered together all the Sith Lords and built a formidable military force to conquer the Republic, while also taking Gav Daragon as his Sith apprentice. Sadow fled to Yavin 4 with his remaining Massassi warriors, where he hoped to rebuild the Empire. The tide of battle immediately turned in favor of the Republic as the bulk of Sadow's forces simply disappeared, and the war ultimately lost to the invaders. Brown[3] Sadow saw opportunity in the two explorers—siblings Gav and Jori Daragon—and used the suspicion and fear raised by their arrival to foment war with the Republic. c. 4400 BBY, Yavin 4[2] [14] With the Daragons in chains, Sadow met with the rest of the Sith Council at Ziost's Sith Citadel to discuss their fates. [10] While Sadow was nominally in control of the world of Khar Delba, the world was just a decoy—[11] Sadow's true work occurred on a secret stronghold on the dark side of the moon Khar Shian, where he found it better to further his research into the dark arts. There are other discrepancies regarding Sadow's physical appearance. Naga Sadow rallies Sith forces after the Battle of Khar Delba. Naga Sadow, also known as Darth Naga Sadow, was a Sith Lord, the Viceroy of Khar Shian, and a renowned dark side magician during the days of the first Sith Empire. It was this expansionist philosophy that came to define Sadow long before he ever became Dark Lord, as he became known as an impassioned speaker who consistently preached a new, progressive future for the Sith Empire. His plan was set: the Dark Lord would lead the war effort from his Sith meditation sphere, which would be the heart and mind of the Sith attack. However, the unexpected arrival of two hyperspace-traveling siblings on Korriban, Gav and Jori Daragon, immediately spurred Sadow's progressive nature. Gav Daragon[5]Freedon Nadd[1] [11], Realizing an opportunity, Sadow sent several of his Massassi warriors to kill Kressh's guards and seize the ship, leaving no witnesses and leaving Sadow's emblem behind at the scene. [7] Sadow also kept himself busy grooming Gav Daragon—who was becoming increasingly morally conflicted at the prospect of attacking his home in the Republic—as his dark apprentice, although he often found himself having to lie to keep the young Human in the fold. Kressh's attack was thus fruitless, and his forces were defeated by those of Naga Sadow. Once the moment of truth came, Sadow gathered his invasion fleet at Khar Shian. Let's keep going, shall we? The pair—Gav and Jori Daragon, in truth fugitives who had chanced upon Korriban after making a blind hyperspace jump to escape trouble on their native Koros Major—were swiftly seized as spies. Darth Naga Sadow [5][3], Sadow's early mentions and his appearances in The Golden Age of the Sith and The Fall of the Sith Empire contain several inconsistencies between them. [3] Sadow also proved himself handy with a Republic blaster in his breakout of Gav and Jori Daragon from imprisonment on Ziost, even though he had never seen a weapon of its type before and the Sith of the time largely fought with swords and spears. With all-out war with Ludo Kressh looming, Sadow had a traditional tattoo applied to his forehead by Sith pincerbugs, an act which most believed made his claim to the seat of Dark Lord official. Although Sadow's Tales of the Jedi appearances consistently portray him as having the reddish skin typical of the Sith species as well as brown eyes,[3][5] Sadow's depiction in The New Essential Guide to Characters shows him with a more Human appearance, with lighter skin and green eyes. Sadow's efforts initially met with great success, and he was on the cusp of victory when events turned against him. [25] He also had his own suit of body armor, which survived past his death. When the time was right, Sadow and his forces launched a massive surprise attack on the Republic, a many-pronged strike aimed at conquering the important Koros system while seizing the Republic capital of Coruscant. Naga Sadow lived back when the Sith were some kind of mix of exiled Dark Jedi and the original Sith Species. [30], Although Sadow's fleet was almost completely destroyed in the Great Hyperspace War,[22] the Sith dreadnaught[20] Omen—which Sadow had sent with Captain Yaru Korsin to mine Lignan crystals at Phaegon III—miraculously survived a Jedi attack to crash-land on the uncharted planet of Kesh. To Ludo Kressh's horror, several of the Sith Council backed Sadow's claim, and Kressh left in a huff with his supporters, proclaiming that he would become the true Dark Lord. [32] Some Jedi, including the respected Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, believed at one point this mysterious Sith Emperor to be none other than Naga Sadow himself, returned from exile. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1: Masters and Students of the Force, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 2: Funeral for a Dark Lord, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 3: The Fabric of an Empire, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 4: Pawns of a Sith Lord, Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 5: The Flight of Starbreaker 12, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire, Tales of the Jedi 2: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon, Part 2, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 2: The Quest for the Sith, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 4: Death of a Dark Jedi, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 5: Sith Secrets, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust, Knights of the Old Republic 25: Vector, Part 1, Knights of the Old Republic 28: Vector, Part 4, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 1, Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 2, Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 3, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Expansion: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: Panel to Panel Volume 2: Expanding the Universe, Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 12, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Authors of the Expanded Universe: Tales of the Sith, Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 1: Desperate Measures, Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith 0: Conquest and Unification, Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 2: Forces in Collision, Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 3: First Encounter, Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 4: The Dogs of War, Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 5: End of an Empire. Darth Naga Sadow was a master Sith alchemist and Dark Lord of the Sith who, in 5000 BBY, took the Sith Empire to the brink of galactic domination in the Great Hyperspace War. Although Kressh wanted to kill them immediately, Sadow thought the Daragons could be the key to new Sith conquests,[3] and had them imprisoned for questioning on Ziost. However, both Korsin's Omen and sister ship Harbinger were lost to a Jedi attack. Along the way, Sadow shattered Kressh's forces at Khar Delba, leaving no challengers to his authority. [5] Now the undisputed Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Naga Sadow was pledged the allegiance of all the rest of the Sith Lords and their armies. [15], Jori Daragon, who did not believe she had any reason not to trust Naga Sadow, completely fell for the Sith Lord's feigned concern and followed his instructions to escape back to her home—unbeknownst to her, Sadow had outfitted her ship with a tracking device. 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